Schwarze Außenleuchten | Luminesy

Schwarze Außenleuchten

Tauchen Sie ein in die tiefe Eleganz unserer schwarzen Außenleuchten-Kollektion

Gehen Sie nach draußen und lassen Sie sich von unserer Kollektion schwarzer Außenleuchten verzaubern. Diese Serie kombiniert meisterhaft die tiefe Tiefe der Farbe Schwarz mit dem essentiellen Bedarf an Außenbeleuchtung und präsentiert eine ebenso stilvolle wie funktionale Mischung.

Schwarze Außenleuchten verströmen mit ihrem schlichten und zeitlosen Farbton ein Gefühl von moderner Raffinesse. Die Kühnheit von Schwarz dient als dramatischer Hintergrund für die leuchtenden Farben der Natur und akzentuiert Landschaftsgestaltung, architektonische Elemente und Außenbereiche. Von Wandleuchten bis hin zu freistehenden Lampen sorgen diese Leuchten nicht nur für Sicherheit und Sichtbarkeit, sondern setzen auch ein Design-Statement und verankern Ihre Außendekoration mit ihrer ausgeprägten Präsenz.

In unserer kuratierten Kollektion steht die Vielfalt des Designs an erster Stelle. Ganz gleich, ob Sie auf der Suche nach eleganten, zeitgenössischen Leuchten sind, die eine moderne Schlichtheit ausstrahlen, oder nach traditionelleren Leuchten mit verschnörkelten Details - die einheitliche schwarze Farbpalette sorgt dafür, dass sie sich harmonisch in jede Außenumgebung einfügt. Jede Leuchte, unabhängig von ihren gestalterischen Feinheiten, bringt die beeindruckende Anziehungskraft von Schwarz zum Ausdruck und setzt einen luxuriösen und zugleich dezenten Akzent.

    LUMO WIRE – Pendelleuchte


    Lumo Wire Pendant Light: Practical and Timeless, by Zero Lighting The Lumo Pendant Light is a fine example of timeless design and practical functionality. Taking inspiration from classic pendant styles,...

    CONVEX - Spotlight


    Illuminate Your Space with the Energy-Efficient Convex Spotlight from Zero Lighting Introducing the Convex Spotlight from Zero Interior, the latest addition to the Convex family. This lighting fixture, renowned for...

    CONVEX - Pendelleuchte


    Enhance Your Space with the Elegantly Curved Convex Pendant Light from Zero Lighting Introducing the Convex Pendant Light from Zero Interior, a popular lighting fixture known for its charming simplicity...

    CITY CATENARY – Pendelleuchte


    Introduce the City Catenary Pendant Light from Zero Lighting: A Blend of Modern Style and Industrial Design Presenting the City Catenary Pendant Light from Zero Interior, a statement piece combining...

    TAURUS - Pollerleuchte

    €420,00 €505,00

    Enhance Your Outdoor Space with the Taurus Bollard Light from Belid Introducing the Taurus Bollard Light from Belid, a durable and stylish metal outdoor lighting solution designed to elevate your...

    SINNE OUTDOOR - Wandleuchte

    €315,00 €330,00

    Illuminate Your Space with the Elegant Sinne Outdoor Wall Light from Belid Introducing the Sinne Wall Light from Belid, a sophisticated and versatile metal lamp designed to enhance any outdoor...

    SINNE - Wandleuchte

    €220,00 €330,00

    Illuminate Your Space with the Elegant Sinne Wall Light from Belid Introducing the Sinne Wall Light from Belid, a sophisticated and versatile metal lamp designed to enhance any interior setting....

    MOON - Wandleuchte


    Illuminate Your Exterior with the Classic Moon Wall Lamp from Belid The Moon Wall Lamp from Belid brings a touch of vintage elegance to your outdoor space. Designed by Roger...

    MOON - Pollerleuchte


    Bring Timeless Elegance to Your Outdoor Space with the Moon Bollard Lamp from Belid Add a touch of classic charm to your outdoor area with the Moon Bollard Lamp from...

    MIST - Wandleuchte


    Illuminate Your Exterior with the Mist Outdoor Wall Light from Belid Enhance your outdoor space with the simple yet captivating design of the Mist Wall Light from Belid. Created by...

    MIRA - Wandleuchte


    Illuminate Your Exterior with the Mira Wall Lamp from Belid Add a touch of modern sophistication to your outdoor space with the Mira Wall Lamp from Belid. Designed for outdoor...

    MAX - Wandleuchte


    Elevate Your Outdoor Space with the Max Wall Lamp from Belid The Max Wall Lamp from Belid is a stylish and versatile outdoor lighting solution that adds a touch of...

    BILY 16-UP OUT - Deckenleuchte

    €655,00 €670,00

    BILY 16 OUT - Deckenleuchte

    €545,00 €570,00

    Please note that driver is not included and has to be bought separately.Compatible Drivers: N 12W**, D 18WT, D 15WP*, D 15WDA EU, D 15WDA US*, D 40WDP**110V-230V **IP65

    AUDY-IN OUT - Deckenleuchte


    Please note that driver is not included and has to be bought separately.Compatible Drivers: D 6WT, D 18WT, D 15WP*, D 15WDA EU, D 15WDA US*, D 40WDP**110V-230V 3000K version...

    FRAME A-4053X - Wandleuchte


    Estiluz Frame Outdoor Wall Light - Outdoor lighting reinvented Illuminate your outdoor space with the sleek and stylish Frame Outdoor Wall Light from Estiluz. Designed to provide soft, ambient lighting,...

    ITA - Stehlampe


    Introducing the ITA, the newest addition to ANTIDARK's range of outdoor lighting solutions. This sleek and stylish bollard lamp is the perfect combination of form and function, designed to enhance...

    DOLIO W90 - Wandleuchte


    Introducing the Dolio W90, the latest innovation from ANTIDARK's outdoor lighting collection. The Dolio W90 is a sleek and stylish wall light designed to transform any outdoor space into a...

    ARCA STEP - Wandleuchte


    Introducing the Arca Step, the newest addition to ANTIDARK's lineup of outdoor lighting solutions. Designed to elevate any outdoor space, this wall light is a perfect blend of style and...

    CIRC - Wandleuchte

    €386,00 €438,00

    The CIRC A-3722 Wall Light by Estiluz, uniqueness in simplicity. Sconce globes can be encircled with a slender metal ring or balanced on a metal bar. Indoor uses include hallways...

    SHIBUYA WIRE – Pendelleuchte


    Brighten Your Space with the Colorful Charm of Zero Lighting's Shibuya Wire Pendant Light Experience the vibrant energy of Tokyo's Shibuya district with the Shibuya Wire Pendant Light by Zero...

    SHIBUYA - Pendelleuchte


    Brighten Your Space with the Colorful Charm of Zero Lighting's Shibuya Pendant Light Experience the vibrant energy of Tokyo's Shibuya district with the Shibuya Pendant Light by Zero Lighting. Inspired...

    PATHFINDER - Pollerleuchte

    €1.735,00 €1.845,00

    Discover the Charm of Functional Aesthetics with Zero Lighting's Pathfinder Bollard Light Presenting the Pathfinder Bollard Light, an artful blend of design and functionality by Zero Lighting. This sculptural bollard...

    PATHFINDER - Wandleuchte

    €960,00 €1.125,00

    Discover the Charm of Functional Aesthetics with Zero Lighting's Pathfinder Wall Light Presenting the Pathfinder Wall Light, an artful blend of design and functionality by Zero Lighting. This sculptural lighting...

    PATHFINDER - Deckenleuchte

    €755,00 €845,00

    Discover the Charm of Functional Aesthetics with Zero Lighting's Pathfinder Ceiling Light Presenting the Pathfinder Ceiling Light, an artful blend of design and functionality by Zero Lighting. This sculptural lighting...

    KARO - Pollerleuchte

    €2.445,00 €2.515,00

    Zero Lighting's Karo Bollard Light: Precision Lighting with Minimal Glare Experience advanced lighting design with the Karo Bollard Light from Zero Lighting. This innovative outdoor lighting solution utilises a dynamic...

    CONVEX - Pollerleuchte

    €2.190,00 €2.355,00

    Zero Lighting's Convex Bollard Light: A Fusion of Clarity and Durability for Outdoor Lighting Introducing the Convex Bollard Light from Zero Lighting, an evolution of the popular Convex family. Exhibiting...

    CONVEX - Wandleuchte


    Illuminate Your Space with the Energy-Efficient Convex Spotlight from Zero Lighting Presenting the Convex Wall Light from Zero Interior, a charming member of the beloved Convex family. This lighting fixture...

    CITY GLOBE WIRE – Pendelleuchte


    Elevate Your Interiors with the Industrial Elegance of the City Globe Pendant Light from Zero Lighting Welcome to the world of the City Globe Wire Pendant Light from Zero Interior,...

    MIST - Pollerleuchte


    Enhance Your Outdoor Space with the Mist Bollard Lamp from Belid Bring elegance and simplicity to your driveway or outdoor area with the Mist Bollard Lamp from Belid. Designed by...

    QUASAR - Tischleuchte


    The Petite Friture Quasar Table lamp is a portable, small table lamp that can also be hanged, it has a rugged design reminiscent of hiking gear.

    IGRAM - Stehlampe


    Grupa Igram Floor Lamp - An interplay of ambiance and function Igram, meaning “playing” in Croatian, is the word that best describes the process of creating this unique collection. Silent...

    IGRAM - Wandleuchte


    Grupa Igram Wall Lamp -An interplay of ambiance and function Igram, meaning “playing” in Croatian, is the word that best describes the process of creating this unique collection. Silent by...

    MISSY - Pendelleuchte

    €303,00 €316,00

    All natural Missy pendant from Sweden's Globen Lighting Get ready to elevate your space with Globen's Missy Pendant Light. Inspired by nature, this trendy lampshade is expertly crafted from twined...

    MONTEGO 50 - Pendelleuchte

    €255,00 €265,00

    Montego 50 Pendant Light from Globen Lighting Inspired by nature, the Montego 50 pendant light features a stylish lampshade crafted from twined black rattan. This trendy lampshade can be hung...

    BOOP! - Wand-/Deckenleuchte

    €443,00 €462,00

    Enhance your space with the versatility and quality the BOOP! Wall/Ceiling Light from Carpyen offers. The BOOP! Wall/Ceiling Light from Carpyen is the perfect lighting solution to bring a touch...

    GONZAGA LARGE - Pendelleuchte

    €985,00 €1.225,00

    Karman Gonzaga Large Pendant Light - The dancing light Karman Gonzaga Large Pendant Light: a light that seems to dance in space with its minimal geometric shapes on which lights...

    GONZAGA SMALL - Pendelleuchte

    €745,00 €1.090,00

    Karman Gonzaga Small Pendant Light - The dancing light Karman Gonzaga Small Pendant Light: a light that seems to dance in space with its minimal geometric shapes on which lights...

    CIRC - Stehleuchte

    €636,00 €834,00

    Estiluz Circ Floor Lamp P-3729 - Glowing globes Balanced asymmetry defines the glowing hemispheres of Estiluz's Circ collection that lights up an evening. Circ offers a table and floor lamp...

    Über Schwarze Außenleuchten

    Angesichts der Anforderungen im Freien ist die Widerstandsfähigkeit das Herzstück unserer Black Outdoor Lights Kollektion. Jede Leuchte ist aus Materialien gefertigt, die den äußeren Einflüssen standhalten, so dass die satte schwarze Oberfläche ungetrübt bleibt und die Leuchtkraft kompromisslos ist, egal zu welcher Jahreszeit.

    Entdecken Sie die Faszination unserer Black Outdoor Lights Kollektion. Beleuchten Sie Ihren Außenbereich mit einem Hauch von Opulenz und lassen Sie die Tiefe von Schwarz jede Ecke, jeden Weg und jede Terrasse aufwerten. Lassen Sie diese Leuchten Ihre Abende begleiten, werfen Sie Schatten und Glanz gleichermaßen und machen Sie jeden Moment im Freien zu einem unvergesslichen Erlebnis. Umarmen Sie die Nacht mit unvergleichlicher Eleganz.

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