Trizo21 Beleuchtung | Designer-Trizo21-Lampen Page 2 | Luminesy


Trizo21 Beleuchtung – Technische Perfektion

Diebelgische Marke Trizo21 wurde 2001 von Bruno van Meenen gegründet und istseither zum Synonym für schöne, schlichte und elegante Qualitätslampen ohneunnötigen Schnickschnack geworden. Trizo21 konzentriert sich auf technische Perfektion und hochwertige Verarbeitung. Die Innenleuchten und Strahler vonTrizo21 sind die erste Wahl für alle, die ihre Wohnungen, Büros undöffentlichen Räume mit Lichtlösungen von unvergleichlicher Qualität beleuchtenmöchten.

Luminesy bietet alle Trizo21-Produkte an - falls Sie nicht finden,was Sie suchen, kontaktieren Sie uns!


AUSTERE CHANDELIER 1X RL79 - Deckenleuchte

€2.333,00 €2.475,00

Trizo21 Austere Chandelier 1X RL79 - A deeper experience The Trizo21 Austere Chandelier 1X RL79 also allows you to create unique compositions with depth. A well-thought-out combination of the various...

AUSTERE CHANDELIER 1X RS16 - Pendelleuchte

€2.284,00 €2.431,00

Trizo21 AUSTERE CHANDELIER 1X RS16 - A deeper experience The Trizo21 Austere Chandelier 1X RS16 allows you to create unique compositions with depth. A well-thought-out combination of the various components...

AUSTERE CHANDELIER 1X RF100 - Deckenleuchte

€2.294,00 €2.421,00

Trizo21 Austere 1X RF100 Chandelier - a deeper lighting experience ‘Austere’ can mean sleek, linear and/or stripped of excess. The Trizo21 Austere Ceiling Light is also slender and tranquil just...

AUSTERE CHANDELIER 1X RF75 - Deckenleuchte

€2.274,00 €2.411,00

Trizo21 AUSTERE CHANDELIER 1X RF75 - A deeper experience The Trizo21 Austere Chandelier allows you to create unique compositions with depth. A well-thought-out combination of the various components will create...

AUSTERE CHANDELIER 3Y RL79 - Pendelleuchte

€5.018,00 €5.219,00

A deeper experience The Austere-Chandelier also allows you to create unique compositions with depth. A well-thought-out combination of the various components will create real eye-catchers that look magnificent in lobbies,...

AUSTERE CHANDELIER 3Y RF100 - Deckenleuchte

€4.969,00 €5.170,00

A deeper experience The Austere-Chandelier also allows you to create unique compositions with depth. A well-thought-out combination of the various components will create real eye-catchers that look magnificent in lobbies,...

AUSTERE CHANDELIER 3Y RF75 - Deckenleuchte

€4.959,00 €5.155,00

A deeper experience The Austere-Chandelier also allows you to create unique compositions with depth. A well-thought-out combination of the various components will create real eye-catchers that look magnificent in lobbies,...

AUSTERE CHANDELIER 2Y RF100 - Deckenleuchte

€3.386,00 €3.582,00

A deeper experience The Austere-Chandelier also allows you to create unique compositions with depth. A well-thought-out combination of the various components will create real eye-catchers that look magnificent in lobbies,...

AUSTERE CHANDELIER 2Y RF75 - Deckenleuchte

€3.377,00 €3.573,00

A deeper experience The Austere-Chandelier also allows you to create unique compositions with depth. A well-thought-out combination of the various components will create real eye-catchers that look magnificent in lobbies,...

AUSTERE CHANDELIER 1Y RL79 - Pendelleuchte

€1.887,00 €2.000,00

Trizo21 AUSTERE CHANDELIER 1Y RL79 - A deeper experience The Trizo21 AUSTERE CHANDELIER 1Y RL79 allows you to create unique compositions with depth. A well-thought-out combination of the various components...

AUSTERE CHANDELIER 1Y RS16 - Pendelleuchte

€1.838,00 €1.956,00

The Trizo21 AUSTERE CHANDELIER 1Y RS16 - A deeper experience The Trizo21 AUSTERE CHANDELIER 1Y RS16 allows you to create unique compositions with depth. A well-thought-out combination of the various...

AUSTERE CHANDELIER 1Y RF100 - Deckenleuchte

€1.838,00 €1.951,00

Trizo21 AUSTERE CHANDELIER 1Y RF100 - A deeper experience The Trizo21 Austere Chandelier 1Y RF100 also allows you to create unique compositions with depth. A well-thought-out combination of the various...

AUSTERE CHANDELIER 1Y RF75 - Deckenleuchte

€1.828,00 €1.936,00

Trizo21 AUSTERE CHANDELIER 1Y RF75 - A deeper experience The Trizo21 AUSTERE CHANDELIER 1Y RF75 allows you to create unique compositions with depth. A well-thought-out combination of the various components...

SIRENS FROSTED GLASS - Wand-/Deckenleuchte

€417,00 €505,00

The SIRENS is very different. It is a combination of mirrors and remarkable light fittings that captures your attention in a poetic way… and then holds it. The elegant silhouette...

SIRENS MIRROR - Wand-/Deckenleuchte

€216,00 €427,00

The SIRENS is very different. It is a combination of mirrors and remarkable light fittings that captures your attention in a poetic way… and then holds it. The elegant silhouette...

SIRENS DIFFUSER GLASS - Wand-/Deckenleuchte

€446,00 €569,00

The SIRENS is very different. It is a combination of mirrors and remarkable light fittings that captures your attention in a poetic way… and then holds it. The elegant silhouette...


€363,00 €383,00

SCAR-LED from Trizo21 - A flexible, modern reading light The Scar-led wall light from Trizo21 is the ideal (bedside) reading lamp. The 1W power-LED delivers more than enough light output...

SCAR-LED 1FD BUILT-UP - Wandleuchte

€348,00 €363,00

Trizo21 SCAR-LED Wall Light - A flexible, modern reading light The Scar-led wall light from Trizo21 is the ideal (bedside) reading lamp. The 1W power-LED delivers more than enough light...


€343,00 €358,00

SCAR-LED from Trizo21 - A flexible, modern reading light The Scar-led wall light from Trizo21 is the ideal (bedside) reading lamp. The 1W power-LED delivers more than enough light output...

SCAR-LED 1FD BUILT-IN 95 - Wandleuchte

€329,00 €348,00

SCAR-LED from Trizo21 - A flexible, modern reading light The Scar-led wall light from Trizo21 is the ideal (bedside) reading lamp. The 1W power-LED delivers more than enough light output...


€339,00 €353,00

Trizo21 SCAR-LED Wall Light - A flexible, modern reading light The Trizo21 Scar-led Wall Light is the ideal (bedside) reading lamp. The 1W power-LED delivers more than enough light output...

SCAR-LED 1FD BUILT-IN 60 - Wandleuchte

€324,00 €343,00

Trizo21 SCAR-LED Wall Light - A flexible, modern reading light The Scar-led wall light from Trizo21 is the ideal (bedside) reading lamp. The 1W power-LED delivers more than enough light...

SCAR-LED 1FD BUILT-IN 45 - Wandleuchte

€324,00 €343,00

Trizo21 SCAR-LED Wall Light - A flexible, modern reading light The Scar-led wall light from Trizo21 is the ideal (bedside) reading lamp. The 1W power-LED delivers more than enough light...

R111 UP - Deckenstrahler

€551,00 €809,00

This downlighter exists in different varieties. Besides the high quality finishing, the major visual aspects of these models are the rounded corners. By using rounded corners these models look much...

R110 UP - Deckenstrahler

€432,00 €569,00

This downlighter with AR111 bulbs exists in different varieties. Besides the high quality finishing, the major visual aspects of these models are the rounded corners. By using rounded corners these...

R70 UP - Deckenstrahler

€512,00 €765,00

This downlighter with QR70 bulb exists in different varieties. Besides the high quality finishing, the major visual aspects of these models are the rounded corners. By using rounded corners these...

R07 UP - Deckenstrahler

€421,00 €539,00

This downlighter with QR70 bulb exists in different varieties. Besides the high quality finishing, the major visual aspects of these models are the rounded corners. By using rounded corners these...

R54 UP LED - Deckenstrahler

€1.515,00 €1.441,00

This downlighter exists in different varieties. Besides the high quality finishing, the major visual aspects of these models are the rounded corners. By using rounded corners these models look much...

R52 UP LED - Deckenstrahler

€845,00 €804,00

This downlighter exists in different varieties. Besides the high quality finishing, the major visual aspects of these models are the rounded corners. By using rounded corners these models look much...

R51 UP LED - Deckenstrahler

€541,00 €515,00

Besides the high quality finishing, the major visual aspects of these models are the rounded corners. By using rounded corners these models look much more elegant and stylish than if...

R54 UP - Deckenstrahler

€586,00 €936,00

This downlighter exists in different varieties. Besides the high quality finishing, the major visual aspects of these models are the rounded corners. By using rounded corners these models look much...

R52 UP - Deckenstrahler

€381,00 €559,00

This downlighter exists in different varieties. Besides the high quality finishing, the major visual aspects of these models are the rounded corners. By using rounded corners these models look much...

R51 UP - Deckenstrahler

€301,00 €409,00

Besides the high quality finishing, the major visual aspects of these models are the rounded corners. By using rounded corners these models look much more elegant and stylish than if...

PIN-UP 6 - Deckenstrahler

€1.746,00 €1.662,00

Thanks to the combination of curves and especially to the gracious rotating support bracket this model is an example of pure and elegant design. The lamps can be oriented in...

PIN-UP 4 - Deckenstrahler

€1.278,00 €1.216,00

Thanks to the combination of curves and especially to the gracious rotating support bracket this model is an example of pure and elegant design. The lamps can be oriented in...

PIN-UP 2 - Deckenstrahler

€530,00 €672,00

Thanks to the combination of curves and especially to the gracious rotating support bracket this model is an example of pure and elegant design. The lamps can be oriented in...

PIN-UP 1 SQUARE - Deckenstrahler

€314,00 €383,00

Thanks to the combination of curves and especially to the gracious rotating support bracket this model is an example of pure and elegant design. The lamps can be oriented in...

PIN-UP 1 ROUND - Deckenstrahler

€309,00 €378,00

Thanks to the combination of curves and especially to the gracious rotating support bracket this model is an example of pure and elegant design. The lamps can be oriented in...

NAGA - Deckenleuchte

€260,00 €290,00

The NAGA is a proprietary model of Trizo21 designed by Bruno Van Meenen. The stylized shapes and impeccable finish make the NAGA more of a lighting object than a light...

MINI-PI 3 UP - Deckenstrahler

€941,00 €980,00

Thanks to the compact size of LED Trizo21 was able to develop a smaller version of the Pin-In and Pin-up series. This results in a very compact but decorative LED-spotlight....

Über Trizo21

Trizo21 konzentriert sich stark auf Architekturbeleuchtung und ergänzt mit ihrer Beleuchtung den architektonischen Stil von Gebäuden und deren Innenräumen. Die Designs der Trizo21-Lampen sind minimalistisch und die Qualität ihrer Handwerkskunst ist unübertroffen.

Bruno Van Meenen begann 1986 in der Beleuchtungsbranche zu arbeiten. Später gründete er im Jahr 2001 sein Unternehmen für Architekturbeleuchtungsdesign und -herstellung und stützte sich dabei auf seine 15-jährige Erfahrung und akribisches Wissen. Das Ziel von Trizo21 war es, Leuchten von außergewöhnlicher Qualität zu schaffen, die mit einer persönlichen Note gefertigt sind. Im Jahr 2005 betrat Trizo21 den Beleuchtungsmarkt mit einer völlig neuen LED-Kollektion, die ihren Ansatz zur Beleuchtung für immer revolutionierte.

Das Ziel des Unternehmens war es, minimalistische und makellose Armaturen mit einem positiven Touch zu produzieren. Trizo 21 hat es sich zur Aufgabe gemacht, eine architektonische Beleuchtung zu bieten, die geradlinig und ohne überflüssige Verzierungen ist.

Als Designer und Hersteller setzt die Marke auf technische Perfektion, hochwertige Materialien und Verarbeitung. Anstatt beeindruckenden Designs hinterherzujagen, streben die Leute bei Trizo 21 nach innovativer Zweckmäßigkeit. Trizo21 verwendet beispielsweise solide Materialien wie Aluminium und Messing für starre und nahtlose Armaturen, die zu jedem Interieur passen. Modernste LED-Technologie rundet eine Vielzahl faszinierender Leuchten zum Auf- und Einbau ab.

Die Exzellenz wurde beispielsweise mit dem Henry van de Velde Award und dem Label Handmade in Belgium für authentische handgefertigte Produkte gewürdigt.

Mit ihrem umfangreichen Angebot hat die Marke viele Bestseller wie dieAustere Wandleuchte , Code-Sammlung und der Wandlampenserie Scar.

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