Weiße Scheinwerfer Page 2 | Luminesy

Weiße Scheinwerfer

Beleuchten Sie mit Reinheit: Die Raffinesse unserer weißen Strahlerkollektion

Wir stellen Ihnen unsere weiße Strahler-Kollektion vor, in der die makellose Ausstrahlung von Weiß nahtlos mit der Präzision des Strahlerdesigns verschmilzt. Diese Leuchten, die eine klare und moderne Ästhetik ausstrahlen, sind für diejenigen gedacht, die Präzision in der Beleuchtung suchen, ergänzt durch die zeitlose Gelassenheit von Weiß.

Strahler sind seit langem für ihre Fähigkeit bekannt, einen fokussierten Lichtstrahl zu erzeugen, der bestimmte Eigenschaften oder Objekte hervorhebt. In der Farbe Weiß wird diese Funktion mit einer frischen, zeitgemäßen Anmut gepaart. Der weiße Farbton, der für Klarheit und Einfachheit steht, schafft einen ruhigen Hintergrund, der es den beleuchteten Objekten ermöglicht, wirklich zu faszinieren, und sich gleichzeitig nahtlos in eine Vielzahl von Dekoren einfügt.

Wenn Sie unser vielfältiges Angebot durchstöbern, werden Sie auf ein Spektrum von Designs stoßen, die den unterschiedlichsten Geschmacksrichtungen gerecht werden. Von hochmodernen, eleganten Armaturen, die den heutigen Designtrends entsprechen, bis hin zu klassischeren Designs mit sanften Kurven und Details - das durchgängige Thema ist die ruhige Eleganz von Weiß. Ganz gleich, ob Sie eine geschätzte Skulptur hervorheben, architektonische Nuancen betonen oder eine bestimmte Stimmung erzeugen möchten, unsere Kollektion bietet einen weißen Strahler, der perfekt auf Ihre Bedürfnisse abgestimmt ist.

    LOLA BASE - Strahler

    €325,00 €420,00

    The Lola spotlamp by Panzeri is synonym of versatility: one design, multiple applications, to offer personalized and flexible lighting solution, ideal for every interior design need. It can be used...

    CARL2 - Scheinwerfer

    €810,00 €1.055,00

    The Carl is a family of lighting fittings by Panzeri to install in the ceiling with a recessed canopy, for versatile applications that create geometries of light and volumes in...

    CARL 3.6 - Scheinwerfer

    €275,00 €360,00

    The Carl is a family of lighting fittings by Panzeri to install in the ceiling with a recessed canopy, for versatile applications that create geometries of light and volumes in...

    CATO SLIM ROUND 5 - Strahler


    The creation of Cato Slim round 5 is inspired from our Scandinavian heritage. The design is minimalistic and the materials are of highest quality. Cato Slim round 5 brings the...

    CATO SLIM TRACK 5 - Spotlight


    The creation of Cato Slim track 5 is inspired from our Scandinavian heritage. The design is minimalistic and the materials are of highest quality. Cato Slim track 5 brings the...

    7TY-IN HONEYCOMB - Deckenstrahler


    For false ceiling only. Please note that driver is not included and has to be bought separately.

    7TY-IN - Deckenstrahler


    For false ceiling only. Please note that driver is not included and has to be bought separately.

    AUST-IN - Deckenstrahler

    €290,00 €465,00

    Trizo21 Aust-In Spotlight - One line, no frills ‘Austere’ can mean sleek, linear and/or stripped of excess. And also slender and tranquil just like an ethereal silhouette. It can’t get...

    R70 UP - Deckenstrahler

    €522,00 €780,00

    This downlighter with QR70 bulb exists in different varieties. Besides the high quality finishing, the major visual aspects of these models are the rounded corners. By using rounded corners these...

    R07 UP - Deckenstrahler

    €429,00 €550,00

    This downlighter with QR70 bulb exists in different varieties. Besides the high quality finishing, the major visual aspects of these models are the rounded corners. By using rounded corners these...

    R52 UP LED - Deckenstrahler


    This downlighter exists in different varieties. Besides the high quality finishing, the major visual aspects of these models are the rounded corners. By using rounded corners these models look much...

    R51 UP LED - Deckenstrahler


    Besides the high quality finishing, the major visual aspects of these models are the rounded corners. By using rounded corners these models look much more elegant and stylish than if...

    R54 UP - Deckenstrahler

    €597,00 €955,00

    This downlighter exists in different varieties. Besides the high quality finishing, the major visual aspects of these models are the rounded corners. By using rounded corners these models look much...

    R51 UP - Deckenstrahler

    €307,00 €417,00

    Besides the high quality finishing, the major visual aspects of these models are the rounded corners. By using rounded corners these models look much more elegant and stylish than if...

    PIN-UP 4 - Deckenstrahler


    Thanks to the combination of curves and especially to the gracious rotating support bracket this model is an example of pure and elegant design. The lamps can be oriented in...

    PIN-UP 1 ROUND - Deckenstrahler

    €315,00 €385,00

    Thanks to the combination of curves and especially to the gracious rotating support bracket this model is an example of pure and elegant design. The lamps can be oriented in...

    NAGA - Deckenleuchte

    €265,00 €295,00

    The NAGA is a proprietary model of Trizo21 designed by Bruno Van Meenen. The stylized shapes and impeccable finish make the NAGA more of a lighting object than a light...

    MINI-PI 1 UP - Deckenstrahler

    €420,00 €430,00

    Thanks to the compact size of LED Trizo21 was able to develop a smaller version of the Pin-In and Pin-up series. This results in a very compact but decorative LED-spotlight....

    CODE 1 LED - Deckenstrahler

    €420,00 €490,00

    Trizo21 Code 1 LED Ceiling Spotlight - An unobtrusive spotlight The Trizo21 Code 1 LED Ceiling Spotlight, a range of very small ceiling fixtures. The small size, the high quality...

    CATO 5 LIGHT - Strahler

    €546,00 €653,00

    The creation of Cato is inspired from our Scandinavian heritage. The design is minimalistic and the materials are of highest quality. Cato brings the light from Varberg into the home....

    CATO 5 LIGHT (mit Uplight) - Strahler

    €559,00 €669,00

    The creation of Cato is inspired from our Scandinavian heritage. The design is minimalistic and the materials are of highest quality. Cato brings the light from Varberg into the home....

    CATO 3 LIGHT - Strahler

    €369,00 €458,00

    The creation of Cato is inspired from our Scandinavian heritage. The design is minimalistic and the materials are of highest quality. Cato brings the light from Varberg into the home....

    CATO 3 LIGHT (mit Uplight) - Strahler

    €439,00 €499,00

    The creation of Cato is inspired from our Scandinavian heritage. The design is minimalistic and the materials are of highest quality. Cato brings the light from Varberg into the home....

    DOT 120 - Strahler

    €140,00 €185,00

    With a simple, elegant circular form, the Dot is a beautiful wall decoration, ambient light source and direct task light all in one. Made up of two layered circles, the...

    EASY W2100 - Strahler


    Embodying the essence of minimalist, functional Scandinavian design, the dynamic spotlight provides concentrated light in a stripped back, simple form. Giving you greater light control by possessing adjustable, tilting spots,...

    EASY W3100 - Strahler


    Contemporary and stylish, the Easy Spotlight is a condensed light source perfectly utilised in a residential or commercial space. Embodying a simplistic design that can simultaneously stand out or blend...

    EASY 100 - Spotlight


    Available in either black or white, the spotlight can be fitted onto a ceiling or wall space, working well individually or in a cluster to create a purposeful, warming ambience....

    EASY 75 - Spotlight


    Available in either black or white, the spotlight can be fitted onto a ceiling or wall space, working well individually or in a cluster to create a purposeful, warming ambience....

    VIP W120 - Strahler


    With a fully rotatable glass lens, the wall light is a practical, highly functional piece that can be fixed on a wall almost anywhere in the home. Whether positioned next...

    VIP P120 - Spotlight


    Part of the VIP family, the pendant light possesses an innovative, fully rotatable glass lens, allowing for great adaptability and light dispersal in an interior space. Working well when hung...



    Elevate Your Ambiance with the Vesoi Incasso Tretrezero Spotlight Introduce precise accent lighting with the Vesoi Incasso Tretrezero Spotlight, a high-performance recessed fixture designed to emphasize your space with style....



    Transform Your Space with the Vesoi Incasso Trequattrozero Spotlight Create stunning accent lighting with the Vesoi Incasso Trequattrozero Spotlight, a sleek and versatile recessed luminaire that enhances your home or...



    Sleek and Efficient Vesoi Incasso Treottozero Spotlight for Modern Spaces Upgrade your lighting with the Vesoi Incasso Treottozero Spotlight, a contemporary recessed spotlight designed to add a touch of elegance...



    Precision Lighting with the Stylish Vesoi Incasso Trenovezero Spotlight Transform your space with the Vesoi Incasso Trenovezero Spotlight, an innovative recessed spotlight offering precision accent lighting. Made from durable aluminum...



    Illuminate Precisely with the Versatile Vesoi Incasso Trecinquezero Spotlight Upgrade your lighting with the Vesoi Incasso Trecinquezero Spotlight, a high-efficiency recessed spotlight perfect for accentuating any space. Crafted from durable...

    ILED - Strahler


    Elevate Your Space with the Sleek Vesoi ILED Spotlight Introduce sleek sophistication to your interiors with the Vesoi ILED Spotlight, an aluminum spotlight that embodies minimalism and innovation. This daring...

    MOOD M-4066 – Wandleuchte

    €428,00 €537,00

    Mood M-4066 Wall Light by Estiluz - Embrace the Fluidity of Light and Design The Mood Wall Light from Estiluz, crafted by Nahtrang Studio, encapsulates the essence of adaptive lighting....

    Über Weiße Scheinwerfer

    In Bezug auf Funktionalität und Langlebigkeit ist die Kollektion weißer Strahler herausragend. Jeder Strahler wird sorgfältig hergestellt, um einen scharfen, gleichmäßigen Lichtstrahl zu liefern, während die weiße Oberfläche ein dauerhaftes, makelloses Aussehen gewährleistet.

    Tauchen Sie ein in die leuchtende Welt unserer weißen Strahler-Kollektion. Schmücken Sie Ihre Räume mit Leuchten, die nicht nur genau definieren, sondern auch einen Hauch von ruhiger Raffinesse ausstrahlen. Erleben Sie die Verbindung von klarer Beleuchtung und der zeitlosen Anmut von Weiß, die dafür sorgt, dass jedes hervorgehobene Merkmal in reine Eleganz und Klarheit getaucht wird. Strahler mit Raffinesse und Schlichtheit.

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