Melnas galda lampas | Luminesy

Melnas galda lampas

Atklājiet mūsu melno galda lampu kolekcijas drosmīgo eleganci

Iepazīstiniet savu interjeru ar mūsu melno galda lampu kolekcijas mūžīgo šarmu. Šīs lampas ar izteikti melnu apdari apvieno izsmalcinātību un daudzpusīgu funkcionalitāti, uzreiz uzlabojot jebkuru telpu, ko tās rotā.

Melnās krāsas spēks dizainā ir nenoliedzams. Tas ir tonis, kas, lai gan šķietami vienkāršs, ir ar neatņemamu dziļumu un eleganci. Melnās galda lampas ne tikai izstaro siltu, aicinošu gaismu, bet arī kalpo kā simboliski dekori, bieži kļūstot par telpas centrālo punktu. To drosmīgais siluets un tonis ne tikai piesaista uzmanību, bet arī rada izsmalcinātas greznības sajūtu.

Iepazīstoties ar mūsu rūpīgi atlasīto klāstu, jūs gaida daudzveidīgs dizains, kas pielāgots dažādām estētiskajām vēlmēm. No gludiem, moderniem dizainiem ar tīrām līnijām līdz sarežģītiem, klasiskiem stiliem, kas atspoguļo senatnīgu šarmu, - katrs lukturis stāsta savu stāstu. Neatkarīgi no dizaina sarežģītības vienojošais elements ir melnā apdare, kas ir valdzinoša.

    COMPASS M-4077 - Galda Lampa


    Compass M-4077 Table Lamp by Estiluz - Navigating Design and Light with Precision The Compass Table Light by Estiluz, a Nahtrang Studio design, is an embodiment of restrained elegance and...

    SALTO - Galda Lampa


    Northern Salto - A fun and practical table lamp Oslo based design firm Gridy took inspiration from their teenage love of skating and snowboarding for their latest lamp - The...

    Baluna - Galda / Sienas Lampa

    €370,00 €405,00

    Grupa Baluna Table / Wall Lamp - a striking fixture combining Scandinavian minimalism with the Industrial look Every segment of Baluna has passed through the hands of Grupa's master craftsmanship,...

    BALUNA - Galda Lampa

    €470,00 €490,00

    Grupa Baluna Table Lamp - a striking fixture combining Scandinavian minimalism with the Industrial look Every segment of Baluna has passed through the hands of Grupa's master craftsmanship, who shaped...

    ARIGATO - Galda Lampa


    Grupa Arigato Table Lamp - a striking fixture combining Scandinavian minimalism with the Industrial look A statement behind Grupa's Arigato collection is to materialise a human gesture of gratitude through...

    ODYSSEY 1 - galda lampa

    €923,00 €1.154,00

    Schwung Odyssey 1 Table Lamp - where classic meets the contemporary Schwung Odyssey 1 Table Lamp is a modern freestanding table light made entirely of solid brass with mouth blown...

    LANTERN - Galda Lampa

    €795,00 €1.036,00

    Bomma Lantern - when glass embodies paper The ancient shape of the Lantern, transformed by Bomma and recast into glass, maintains its age-old symbolism of a messenger. The essential shape...

    NEWPORT - Galda Lampa


    With a unique and rounded shape which is beautiful for many spaces in the home, the Porto Table Lamp by It’s About RoMi is a sweet addition to any space...

    UNDERCOVER - Galda Lampa


    Undercover table lamp from Sweden's Globen Lighting Taking inspiration from the turn of the century, the Undercover table lamp by Globen plays with the light in an exciting way. The...

    VALI HIGH - Galda Lampa


    Belid Vali is a table lamp that breathes Scandinavian design and quality. Vali is designed to blend into all homes, in all rooms. Available in the colors black structure /...

    SVEJK 13 - Galda Lampa


    MINIMUM ORDER QUANTITY: 3 Simplistic, yet striking the Svejk table lamp is an exciting design by the Swedish brand Care of Bankeryd.

    SYSTEM T40 - Galda Lampa


    The table lamp in British style: B.Lux System T40 appeals with a simple and amusingshape. The light arms rotate and tilt, the light head of aluminium swivels. E27 base.

    FOLIO - Galda Lampa


    Folio is an aluminium minimalist lamp with clean lines. Lateral folds, which serve as a shade while hiding the LED source, protect users from glare and offer precise lighting.

    ALUVIA MINI - Galda Lampa

    €308,00 €388,00

    From the depths of the oceans, to the bustling city, passing through the enchanting forests, all in one eclectic product. With its characteristic blades made from aluminium, Aluvia is lightweight...

    NEWPORT - Galda Lampa

    €89,00 €90,00

    With a unique and rounded shape which is beautiful for many spaces in the home, the Newport Table Lamp by It’s About RoMi is a sweet addition to any space...

    OMBRE - Galda Lampa


    Ombre is a multifaceted design, comprised of a compact base and an adjustable shade. Ask the designer about Ombre’s essentials and he’ll explain that there are only two: shadow and...

    GEAR DOUBLE - Galda Lampa


    Northern Gear Double Table Lamp - A light made for the fast lane The Northern Gear Double Table Light is revving with style, these high-performance lamps were made for the...

    GEAR - Galda Lampa


    GEAR by Northern - A lamp made for the fast lane The Northern Gear Table Lamp is designed with rotating gears and revving with style, these high-performance lamps were made...

    VINCENT - Galda Lampa


    Vincent is a modern and exclusive table lamp – a perfect match for the modern Scandinavian interior. The luminaire gives a direct light and the head is adjustable.

    RADIELL - Galda Lampa


    Radiell has a raw, industrial expression combined with light and design. The series includes floor, table and wall luminaires. The luminaire is easy to adjust and suitable wherever a functional...

    DIABLO (D200 mm) - Galda Lampa

    €329,00 €389,00

    The Belid Diablo D200 mm Table Light - Classics Reinveted Belid Diablo D200 mm Table Light part of an exclusive series of pendants, floor and table lamps. The design is...

    CATO - Galda Lampa

    €269,00 €359,00

    The creation of Cato is inspired from our Scandinavian heritage. The design is minimalistic and the materials are of highest quality. Cato brings the light from Varberg into the home....

    JACKIE - Galda Lampa

    €485,00 €550,00

    Panzeri Jackie Table Light - A simply modern light A showpiece by Panzeri: the LED table lamp with a robust base in the famous Panzeri collection is an ideal lighting...

    TRACE - Galda Lampa


    Illuminate Every Adventure with Northern's Trace Flashlight In moments of darkness, having a reliable source of light can make all the difference. Introducing Trace by Northern, the flashlight redefined for...

    SHIBUYA - Galda Lampa

    €355,00 €365,00

    Experience Playful Illumination with Zero Lighting's Shibuya Table Lamp Zero Lighting presents the Shibuya Table Lamp, an artistic expression of lighting design that infuses joy and vibrancy into your spaces....

    CURVE - Galda Lampa


    Zero Lighting's Curve Table Lamp: Classic Elegance Reinvented for Modern Spaces Experience a piece of classical elegance transformed into modern design with the Curve Table Light from Zero Lighting. Initially...

    INDUSTRIAL C1650 - Galda Lampa


    Retro Industrial Table Lamp: Ferroluce Industrial C1650 Unveiling an extraordinary fusion of vintage charm and industrial design, the Ferroluce Industrial C1650 Table Lamp is a delightful addition to your home...

    POISE - Galda Lampa


    Discover the Dynamic Poise Table Lamp from KDLN Introducing the Poise Table Lamp by KDLN, designed by Robert Dabi, a unique lighting solution that encourages interaction and curiosity. Featuring a...

    QUASAR - Galda Lampa


    The Petite Friture Quasar Table lamp is a portable, small table lamp that can also be hanged, it has a rugged design reminiscent of hiking gear.

    ARIGATO PALACE - Galda Lampa


    Grupa Arigato Palace Table Lamp - a striking fixture combining Scandinavian minimalism with the Industrial look A statement behind Grupa's Arigato collection is to materialise a human gesture of gratitude...

    Tom Rossau TR5 - Galda Lampa

    €600,00 €680,00

    TR5 from Tom Rossau - the flowing lamp Designed by the famous danish lighting designer Tom Rossau, the TR5 table lamp appears exceptionally dashing in its stacked wood veneer strips....

    ODYSSEY 6 - Grīdas Lampa

    €1.756,00 €2.193,00

    Schwung Odyssey 6 Table Lamp - where classic meets the contemporary The Schwung Odyssey 6 Table Lamp is a modern freestanding light made entirely of solid brass with mouth blown...

    ZOSIA - Galda Lampa

    €1.305,00 €1.632,00

    Schwung home Zosia table lamp - where classic meets the contemporary The Zosia by Schwung Home is a modern freestanding table light made entirely of solid brass with mouth blown...

    MILAN - galda lampa

    €1.649,00 €2.074,00

    Schwung home Milan table lamp - where classic meets the contemporary The Milan 1 by Schwung Home is a modern freestanding table light made entirely of solid brass with mouth...

    CUPOLINA M-3937 - Galda Lampa

    €459,00 €495,00

    Industrial, but cozy - the CUPOLINA M-3937 - Table Lamp by Estiluz Estiluz's Cupolina is a warm and uniform light that can fill any space with harmonious vibes and character....

    OPUNTIA - Galda Lampa

    €480,00 €620,00

    Panzeri's Opuntia is a series of table and wall-mount lamps with jointed structure for optimal positioning of the light source with respect to the working plan, ideal for workstations or...

    SARASOTA - Galda Lampa


    Sarasota table lamp from Sweden's Globen Lighting The sarasota table lamp from Globen is a modern and graphic lamp with influences from the middle of the century. The white glass...

    NOG - Galda Lampa


    Embrace Organic Design with the Nog Table Lamp from Globen Lighting Experience the beauty of organic design with the Nog Table Lamp from Globen Lighting. Designed by Mimmi, the Nog...

    CANNES - Galda Lampa


    Introducing the Sober and Stylish Cannes Table Lamp from Globen Lighting Bring some modern flair to your home with the Globen Cannes Table Lamp. With its minimalistic design and neutral...

    HUBBLE 22 - Galda Lampa

    €217,00 €245,00

    Discover the Unique and Beautiful Hubble 22 Table Lamp from Globen Transform any room into a stylish and inviting space with the Hubble table lamp from Globen. With its ribbed...

    Melnas galda lampas

    Mūsu melno galda lampu kolekcijas centrā ir kvalitāte un meistarība. Katrs gabals ir rūpīgi izstrādāts, lai tas kalpotu ne tikai kā gaismas stars, bet arī kā ilgmūžīgs dekoratīvs elements, kas izceļas ar stilu un eleganci.

    Ienirstiet mūsu melno galda lampu kolekcijas valdzinošajā valstībā. Ļaujiet šiem izsmalcinātajiem darbiem ienest jūsu interjerā gan apgaismojumu, gan dramatisku eleganci. Izbaudiet melnās krāsas spēku un drosmi, kas spilgti izpaužas gaismā.

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