Tekstilizstrādājumi | Luminesy


Ievietojiet komfortu un eleganci ar mūsu augstākās kvalitātes tekstilizstrādājumu izvēli

Tekstilizstrādājumi ir interjera dizaina varoņi, kas nodrošina komfortu, vienlaikus piešķirot jūsu telpai krāsu, faktūru un siltumu. Mūsu augstas kvalitātes tekstilizstrādājumu kolekcija - paklāji un paklājiņi, spilveni, gultas pārklāji, gultas veļa, galda veļa, virtuves un vannas dvieļi - piedāvā virkni iespēju, kā bagātināt jūsu interjeru. Mūsu izvēle aptver dažādus stilus - no modernas vienkāršības līdz klasiskai greznībai, tādējādi nodrošinot, ka ir kaut kas, kas papildinās ikvienu gaumi.

Neatkarīgi no tā, vai tas ir plīša paklājs zem kājām, mīksti spilveni, kas piešķir telpai krāsu, vai grezna veļa, kas klāj galdu, katrs mūsu kolekcijas priekšmets veicina jūsu telpas kopējo estētiku un komfortu. Atkāpieties no ierastā un ļaujiet mūsu tekstilizstrādājumiem runāt par jūsu personīgo stilu, pārvēršot jūsu mājokli par mājīguma un elegances oāzi.

    KYOTO - Tepiķis

    €280,00 €1.640,00

    WOUD Kyoto Rug: A Zen-Inspired Textural Experience The WOUD Kyoto Rug transforms floors into a canvas of tranquility, mirroring the meditative qualities of Japanese Zen gardens. The hand-tufted wool rug...

    DOUBLE - Pleds

    €90,00 €165,00

    The WOUD Double Throw: Wrapped in Nordic Warmth Imbued with the spirit of Scandinavian design, the WOUD Double Throw is a testament to the harmonious blend of luxury and functionality....

    DOUBLE - Pleds

    €165,00 €90,00

    The WOUD Double Throw: Wrapped in Nordic Warmth Imbued with the spirit of Scandinavian design, the WOUD Double Throw is a testament to the harmonious blend of luxury and functionality....

    BELT - Spilvens


    Discover Elegance in Simplicity with the Belt Bench from Porada Introducing the Belt Bench, a masterpiece of design and craftsmanship by Colzani for Porada. This bench embodies a blend of...

    LEVEL - Spilvens

    €95,00 €270,00

    The Level Pillow by Woud: A Luxurious Touch of Leather Elegance Introducing the Level Pillow by Woud, the perfect companion to the Level daybed. Crafted for those with an eye...

    FLORA - Spilvens

    €150,00 €390,00

    The WOUD Flora Modular Sofa Cushion: Embodying Nature's Elegance The WOUD Flora Modular Sofa Cushion channels the natural allure of floral landscapes into its design. Envisioned to echo the organic...

    ROMBO - Tepiķis

    €165,00 €530,00

    WOUD Rombo Rug: A Textural Harmony of Wool and Jute The WOUD Rombo Rug series, conceived by Studio MLR, is a testament to the harmonious interplay of natural materials. Combining...

    TINT - Tepiķis

    €315,00 €1.485,00

    WOUD Tint Rug: A Spectrum of Serenity The WOUD Tint Rug brings a sensory experience to any room with its tightly tufted texture and a symphony of colours that shift...

    TACT - Tepiķis

    €190,00 €980,00

    Tact Rug: Weaving Touch into Textiles Immerse your senses in the hand-woven comfort of the Tact Rug. Its signature design, punctuated with circular droplets, offers a unique tactile experience that...

    NECK REST - Spilvens


    Umage Neck Rest Pillow: A Touch of Relaxation Luxury often resides in the little things. The Neck Rest pillow by UMAGE is a testament to this philosophy. Designed meticulously for...

    ARC - Spilvens


    101 Copenhagen Arc Bench Cushion: A Harmonious Blend of Historical Elegance and Modern Comfort Drawing inspiration from the Art Deco era's grandeur, the 101 Copenhagen Arc Bench Cushion effortlessly melds...

    BRUTUS - Spilvens


    The 101 Copenhagen Brutus Chair Cushion: Brutalist Inspiration Meets Contemporary Comfort 101 Copenhagen presents the Brutus Dining Chair, a reflection of the powerful Brutalist architectural movement from the mid-20th century....

    SCULPT - Spilvens


    The 101 Copenhagen Sculpt Stool: Brutalist Artistry Melded with Modern Comfort The Sculpt Stool from 101 Copenhagen is a masterful ode to Brutalist architecture, a movement that, in the 1950s,...

    ROW - Paklājs

    €1.080,00 €2.350,00

    Discover the Tranquility of Northern's Row Rug Series Nature is an endless source of inspiration, often revealing its patterns and narratives to those who observe closely. Northern's Row Rug series...

    WEEK-END - Spilvens

    €70,00 €80,00

    Enhance Your Comfort with the Week-End Seat Cushion Perfectly tailored to complement the Week-End collection, these outdoor seat cushions come in two sizes - large and small - offering a...

    TRAME - Spilvens

    €65,00 €75,00

    Trame Seat and Backrest Cushion: Uniting Comfort and Elegance in Monochromatic Shades Enhance your Trame Chair with our specially designed Trame Seat and Backrest Cushion. Expertly crafted to complement the...


    Mūsu tekstilizstrādājumu kolekcija ir izsmalcināts komforta un estētiskās pievilcības apvienojums. Katrs no labākajiem dizaineriem darinātajiem tekstilizstrādājumiem nodrošina jūsu interjeram mājīgu, bet izsmalcinātu gaisotni. Neatkarīgi no tā, vai jūsu vīzija ir radīt mierīgu guļamistabas svētnīcu, dinamisku dzīves telpu vai mājīgu ēdamistabas telpu, mūsu klāsts atbilst jūsu dizaina ambīcijām. Iepazīstiet mūsu kolekciju un atklājiet, kā mūsu augstākās kvalitātes tekstilizstrādājumi var radīt greznuma un siltuma sajūtu jūsu telpā. Izbaudiet taustes un vizuālo baudījumu, ko sniedz mūsu atlasītā tekstilizstrādājumu kolekcija.

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