Schwung Home Dizaina Apgaismojums Page 2 | Luminesy

Schwung Home

Schwung Home lighting — apgaismojuma koncepcija, kas savieno estētiku un kvalitāti caur matēriju.

Kopš 2014. gada Schwung ar savu mūžīgo un neparasto dizainu ir izraisījis sensāciju ne tikai savā dzimtenē, bet arī starptautisko dizaineru vidū. Abi jaunie dizaineri un Schwung dibinātāji Dominiks Sente no Beļģijas un Rūdi Nijsens no Nīderlandes stāsta, ka viņi rada "mūsu aizraušanās ietekmētas formas, kas meklē un atrod līdzsvaru starp tehniskajiem un estētiskajiem risinājumiem".

Schwung lampas ir roku darbs Eiropā, gaismas ir izgatavotas no cieta misiņa. Stikla sfēras ir izgatavotas no ļoti augstas kvalitātes ar rokām pūsta borsilikāta stikla, plānas un vieglas kā ziepju burbuļi, bet izturīgas un izturīgas kā laboratorijas stikls. Šis neparastais stikls, ko šajā valstī sauc arī par Jēnas stiklu, nodrošina gan stilīgu klātbūtni klasiski modernā gaisotnē, gan patīkamu telpas apgaismojumu. Lielākā daļa šūpoles apgaismojuma ir saderīgi ar dimmeriem un ir aprīkoti ar pagarinātājiem, lai tos varētu pielāgot dažādiem telpas augstumiem.

Daži no Schwung populārākajiem modeļiem ir Schwung Odyssey sienas lampa, klasiskās RD15 lustras, kā arī jaunā Globes kolekcija.

Luminesy piedāvā visus Schwung Home produktus – gadījumā, ja neatrodat to, ko meklējat, sazinieties ar mums!


DAWN DUAL - Sienas Lampa

€723,00 €901,00

Schwung home Dawn Dual Wall light - where classic meets the contemporary The Dawn dual sconce by Schwung Home is a modern wall light handmade from polished, patinated brass protected...

DAWN SINGLE - Sienas lampa

€587,00 €736,00

Schwung home Dawn Single Wall light - where classic meets the contemporary The Dawn single sconce by Schwung Home is a modern wall light handmade from polished, patinated brass protected...

OSLO TRIPLE - Sienas lampa

€748,00 €935,00

Schwung home Oslo Triple Wall light - where classic meets the contemporary The Oslo Triple sconce by Schwung Home is a modern wall light handmade from polished, patinated brass protected...

MIRON - Sienas Lampa

€825,00 €702,00

Schwung home Miron Wall light - where classic meets the contemporary The Miron sconce by Schwung Home is a modern wall light handmade from polished, patinated brass protected with clear...

NAPLES - Sienas Lampa

€695,00 €591,00

Schwung home Naples Wall light - where classic meets the contemporary The Naples sconce by Schwung Home is a modern wall light handmade from polished, patinated brass protected with clear...

OSLO DUAL - Sienas Lampa

€629,00 €782,00

Schwung home Oslo Dual Wall light - where classic meets the contemporary The Oslo Dual sconce by Schwung Home is a modern wall light handmade from polished, patinated brass protected...

OSLO - Sienas Lampa

€635,00 €540,00

Schwung home Oslo Wall light - where classic meets the contemporary The Oslo sconce by Schwung Home is a modern wall light handmade from polished, patinated brass protected with clear...

CLUSTER 13 - Piekaramā Lampa

€4.301,00 €5.279,00

Schwung home Cluster 13 Pendant - where classic meets the contemporary The Cluster 13 Chandelier by Schwung Home is a handmade five-flame cascade ball pendant lamp with extremely high-quality, hand-blown...

CLUSTER 13 MIX - Piekaramā Lampa

€7.723,00 €9.652,00

Schwung home Cluster 13 mix chandelier - where classic meets the contemporary The Cluster 13 mix Chandelier by Schwung Home is a handmade five-flame cascade ball pendant lamp with extremely...

AXIS - Piekaramā Lampa

€3.638,00 €4.552,00

Schwung home Axis- where classic meets the contemporary The Axis Chandelier by Schwung Home is a modern ceiling light made entirely of solid brass with mouth blown glass globes. The...

ODYSSEY CLUSTER 13 — Piekaramā Lampa

€4.301,00 €5.381,00

Schwung Odyssey 13 Pendant Light - where classic meets the contemporary Schwung Odyssey 13 Pendant Light is a gleaming constellation of thirteen opal glass arches strikes the eye with their...

ODYSSEY CLUSTER 9 - Piekaramā Lampa

€3.307,00 €4.131,00

Schwung Odyssey 9 Pendant Light - where classic meets the contemporary Schwung Odyssey 9 Pendant Light is a gleaming constellation of nine opal glass arches strike the eye with their...

ODYSSEY LINEAR LG - Piekaramā Lampa

€4.964,00 €6.205,00

Schwung Odyssey Linear LG Pendant Light- where classic meets the contemporary The Odyssey Linear LG pendant by Schwung Home is a modern ceiling light handmade from polished, patinated brass protected...

ODYSSEY LINEAR MD - Piekaramā Lampa

€3.813,00 €4.765,00

Schwung Odyssey Linear MD Pendant Light - where classic meets the contemporary The Odyssey Linear MD pendant by Schwung Home is a modern ceiling light handmade from polished, patinated brass...

ODYSSEY ROUND MD - Piekaramā Lampa

€3.813,00 €4.063,00

Schwung Odyssey Round MD Pendant Light - where classic meets the contemporary The Odyssey round MD pendant by Schwung Home is a modern ceiling light handmade from polished, patinated brass...

ODYSSEY ROUND LG - Piekaramā Lampa

€4.964,00 €6.205,00

Schwung Odyssey Round LG Pendant Light - where classic meets the contemporary The Odyssey round LG pendant by Schwung Home is a modern ceiling light handmade from polished, patinated brass...

ODYSSEY ROUND SM - Piekaramā Lampa

€3.252,00 €4.063,00

Schwung Odyssey Round SM Pendant Light - where classic meets the contemporary The Odyssey round SM pendant by Schwung Home is a modern ceiling light handmade from polished, patinated brass...

TUBULAR MD - Piekaramā Lampa

€1.760,00 €2.200,00

Schwung hom Tubular pendant - where classic meets the contemporary The Tubular SM pendant by Schwung Home is a modern ceiling light handmade from polished, patinated brass protected with clear...

TUBULAR SM - Piekaramā Lampa

€1.428,00 €1.785,00

Schwung Tubular SM Pendant Light - where classic meets the contemporary The Schwung Tubular SM Pendant Light is a modern ceiling light handmade from polished, patinated brass protected with clear...

ODYSSEY LINEAR SM - Piekaramā Lampa

€3.583,00 €4.473,00

Schwung Odyssey Linear SM Pendant Light - where classic meets the contemporary The Odyssey Linear SM pendant by Schwung Home is a modern ceiling light handmade from polished, patinated brass...

ODYSSEY LINEAR XS - Piekaramā Lampa

€2.635,00 €3.294,00

Schwung Odyssey Linear XS Pendant Light - where classic meets the contemporary The Odyssey Linear XS pendant by Schwung Home is a modern ceiling light handmade from polished, patinated brass...

ODYSSEY 6 - Piekaramā Lampa

€1.649,00 €2.062,00

Schwung Odyssey 6 Pendant Light - where classic meets the contemporary The Odyssey 6 pendant by Schwung Home is a modern ceiling light handmade from polished, patinated brass protected with...

ODYSSEY 3 — Piekaramā Lampa

€1.215,00 €1.521,00

Schwung Odyssey 3 Pendant Light - where classic meets the contemporary The Odyssey 3 pendant by Schwung Home is a modern ceiling light handmade from polished, patinated brass protected with...

RD15 12 ARMS — Piekaramā Lampa

€9.367,00 €11.709,00

Schwung RD15 12 Arms Chandelier - where classic meets the contemporary The RD15 12 Arms Chandelier by Schwung Home is a modern ceiling light made entirely of solid brass with...

CLUSTER 5 MIX - Piekaramā Lampa

€3.099,00 €3.874,00

Schwung home Cluster 5 mix chandelier - where classic meets the contemporary The Cluster 5 mix Chandelier by Schwung Home is a handmade five-flame cascade ball pendant lamp with extremely...

RD15 8 ARMS - Piekaramā Lampa

€6.715,00 €8.275,00

Schwung RD15 8 Arms Chandelier - where classic meets the contemporary The RD15 8 Arms Chandelier by Schwung Home is a modern ceiling light made entirely of solid brass with...

RD15 3 ARMS - Piekaramā Lampa

€2.737,00 €3.417,00

Schwung RD15 3 Arms Chandelier - where classic meets the contemporary The RD15 3 Arms Chandelier by Schwung Home is a modern ceiling light made entirely of solid brass with...

BALANCE - Griestu Lampa

€1.212,00 €1.518,00

Schwung home Balance - where classic meets the contemporary The Balance light fixture by Schwung Home is a modern ceiling light made entirely of solid brass with mouth blown glass...

UNIVERSE - Piekaramā Lampa

€3.868,00 €4.833,00

Schwung home Universe - where classic meets the contemporary The Universe Chandelier by Schwung Home is a modern ceiling light made entirely of solid brass with mouth blown glass globes....

SOAP 6 DT - Griestu Lampa

€4.582,00 €5.729,00

Schwung home Soap 6 DT ceiling - where classic meets the contemporary The Soap 6 DT Chandelier by Schwung Home is a modern ceiling light made entirely of solid brass...

SOAP B7 - Griestu Lampa

€5.525,00 €6.103,00

Schwung home Soap B7 ceiling - where classic meets the contemporary The Soap B7 Chandelier by Schwung Home is a modern ceiling light made entirely of solid brass with mouth...

RD15 6 ARMS - Piekaramā Lampa

€4.420,00 €5.525,00

Schwung RD15 6 Arms Chandelier - where classic meets the contemporary The RD15 6 Arms Chandelier by Schwung Home is a modern ceiling light made entirely of solid brass with...

Schwung Home

Schwung piedāvā Eiropā izstrādātu un ražotu gaismekļu kolekciju, kas izgatavota no vienkāršiem un mūžīgiem materiāliem. Viņu piekaramās lampas, lustras, grīdas apgaismojums, galda lampas un sienas lampas ir izgatavotas no misiņa un stikla, un tās ir 98% pārstrādājamas. Dizaina studijas un ražošanas apvienošana vienuviet ļauj Schwung ražot augstas kvalitātes lampas ar izsmalcinātu dizainu.

Schwung ir vācu vārds, tas brīvi nozīmē enerģiju, pozitīvas manieres impulsu; ideja, kas slēpjas aiz katras gaismas, neatkarīgi no tā, vai tās ir uzstādītas dzīvojamā istabā, ēdamistabā vai guļamistabā.

Schwung apgaismojuma dizaina komandas radītās formas ir ietekmējušas aizraušanās atrast skaistu līdzsvaru starp tehniskajām un estētiskajām īpašībām. Katrs Schwung izstrādājums ir rūpīgi roku darbs viņu rūpnīcā, tāpēc katrs gabals ir unikāls un kopts.

Schwung lamps, established by Dominique Sente and Rudi Nijssen, blend modern functionality with sophisticated style through their mastery of light. Each lamp is expertly crafted by skilled European artisans using brass and glass, materials known for their strength and longevity. The brand, based in Poland, strives to create products that are not only visually stunning but also environmentally responsible. With a commitment to sustainability, Schwung ensures that their lamps are 98% recyclable and minimize their impact on the planet.

Some of Schwung's most popular designs include the Odyssey Collection which is famous for it's distinctive white globe. Another classic is the RD15 Series.

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