Desk Lamp SALE - Luminesy | Luminesy

Galda Lampu Izpārdošana

Kvalitatīva galda lampa ir ļoti svarīga jūsu darba vietai, tā var samazināt acu nogurumu, strādājot vēlu, lai palīdzētu jums mainīt dažādus gaismas avotus jūsu telpā un kalpotu kā skaistums, kad tā nav ieslēgta.

Vadoties pēc ergonomikas, priekš datorgalda ideālai lampai jabūt dimējamai, to var nodimēt tādā pašā gaišumā kā ekrāns un novietot aiz datora ekrāna.


    EL CUBO - Galda Lampa


    El Cubo by Carpyen, reinventing the Table Lamp Originally designed by Gabriel Teixidó in 1974, El Cubo is a synthesis of its innovative vision and generous approach of improving people’s...

    ALABAST 39 - Galda Lampa


    An uniquely practical lamp, the ALABAST 39 Table Lamp from Carpyen Add a bit of recognisability and character to your space with the ALABAST 39 Table Lamp from Carpyen. Crafted...

    ALABAST 30 - Galda Lampa


    An uniquely practical lamp, the ALABAST 30 Table Lamp from Carpyen Add a bit of recognisability and character to your space with the ALABAST 30 Table Lamp from Carpyen. Crafted...

    ALABAST 11 - Galda Lampa


    An uniquely practical lamp, the ALABAST 11 Table Lamp from Carpyen Add a bit of recognisability and character to your space with the ALABAST 11 Table Lamp from Carpyen. Crafted...

    JAZZ - Galda Lampa

    €199,00 €230,00

    The modern Jazz table lamp from Herstal is compromised of two main parts - a perforated metal shade and a solid base, available in a number of finishes. The perforated...

    GRETA 20 - Galda Lampa


    Natural Modernity, the Greta 20 - Table Light from Carpyen The Greta 20 table lamp from Carpyen is a beautiful example of natural materials meeting modern design. With a cotton...

    GRETA 26 - Galda Lampa


    Natural Modernity, the Greta 26 - Table Light from Carpyen The Greta 26 table lamp from Carpyen is a beautiful example of natural materials meeting modern design. With a cotton...

    ISAMU - Galda Lampa


    Isamu - A Subtle and Gracious Table Light from Carpyen The ISAMU Table Light features a cylindrical white ribbon shade and a white polycarbonate diffuser supported by a white metal...


    €350,00 €355,00

    Experience Unlimited Portability with the SASHA_BATTERY Small Table Light Looking for a lamp that can be used both indoors and outdoors? Look no further than the SASHA_BATTERY Small Table Lamp...



    Experience Unlimited Portability with the SASHA_BATTERY Large Table Light Looking for a lamp that can be used both indoors and outdoors? Look no further than the SASHA_BATTERY Large Table Lamp...

    MOKUZAI L - Galda Lampa


    Resolutely masculine, the new Mokuzai range from Market Set is a true ode to sophistication. The suspensions and table lamps, made by Market Set in France, are sober in appearance,...

    MOKUZAI S - Galda Lampa


    Resolutely masculine, the new Mokuzai range from Market Set is a true ode to sophistication. The suspensions and table lamps, made by Market Set in France, are sober in appearance,...

    GHOST - Galda Lampa


    Ghost table lamp is a modern interpretation of antique portable oil lamps. The slim metal rod surrounds the lampshade protectively while the overarching bail functions as a handle for carrying...

    BELLA - Galda Lampa

    €370,00 €385,00

    The Bella table lamp from Herstal has an organic shaped metal shade with a metal ring which gives a warm and surrounding flow of light. The elegant Bella lamp is...

    DISCUS 30 - Galda Lampa

    €322,00 €289,00

    MINIMUM ORDER QUANTITY: 3 Simplistic, yet striking the Discus table lamp is an exciting design by the Swedish brand Care of Bankeryd.

    Galda Lampu Izpārdošana

    Lielākā daļa galda lampu ir regulējamas, pavērsiet tās uz leju, lai apgaismotu darba virsmu, vai uz augšu un pret sienu, lai pret to izkliedētu maigo gaismu, radot gaisotni un nelielas izmaiņas jūsu ainavā.
    Ja jums pietrūkst vietas uz galda un vēlaties nomainīt veco galda lampu, varat iegādāties tādu, ko var piestiprināt pie galda sāniem.

    Svētdiena, Pirmdiena, Otrdiena, Trešdiena, Ceturtdiena, Piektdiena, Sestdiena
    janvāris, februāris, marts, aprīlis, maijs, jūnijs, jūlijs, augusts, septembris, oktobris, novembris, decembris
    Nav pieejams pietiekams daudzums preces. Atlikuši tikai [max].
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