Belid interjera apgaismojums Page 2 | Luminesy


Belid ir Zviedrijas ražošanas uzņēmums, kurš ražo augstas kvalitātes lampas. Tas viss sākās 1969. gadā, Vibergas piekrastes pilsētā. Turpinājās ar birojiem Maiami, kurus tur atvēra 1974. gadā. Uzņēmums ražo apgaismojumu mājām, komerciālajām un sabiedriskām telpām.

Liela uzmanība tiek pievērsta enerģijas patēriņa samazināšanai gan gaismeklī, gan ražošanas procesā.


TRIPLETT - Piekaramā Lampa


Meet the Triplett pendant from Belid. As the name suggests, the Triplett consists of three wings, creating a flower like appearance. A simple but beautiful lamp that creates a comfortable...

SOFT SOUND OCTAGON 1140mm - Piekaramā Lampa

€2.500,00 €2.800,00

The new Soft Sound Octagon has effective sound-absorbing functions with an N10 value of 5.6 at a standard value of 500 Hz. Soft Sound Octagon is available both with a...

SOFT SOUND OCTAGON 900mm - Piekaramā Lampa

€2.300,00 €2.550,00

The new Soft Sound Octagon has effective sound-absorbing functions with an N10 value of 5.6 at a standard value of 500 Hz. Soft Sound Octagon is available both with a...

SOFT SOUND OCTAGON 700mm - Piekaramā Lampa

€2.100,00 €2.350,00

The new Soft Sound Octagon has effective sound-absorbing functions with an N10 value of 5.6 at a standard value of 500 Hz. Soft Sound Octagon is available both with a...

GLORIA - Sienas Lampa


The Gloria series includes pendants, chandeliers, crones, ceiling, table lamps and wall lamps too. The designed with smoked glass and the base comes in oxide grey. Gloria is designed to...

VALI HIGH - Galda Lampa


Belid Vali is a table lamp that breathes Scandinavian design and quality. Vali is designed to blend into all homes, in all rooms. Available in the colors black structure /...

VALI SHORT - Galda Lampa


Belid Vali is a table lamp that breathes Scandinavian design and quality. Vali is designed to blend into all homes, in all rooms. Available in the colors black structure /...

PORTO L - Piekaramā Lampa


Belid Porto L Pendant Light - Natural and Balanced Belid Porto L Pendant Light is part in a series of luminaires where love of nature has played a central role...

PORTO M - Piekaramā Lampa


Belid Porto M Pendant Light - The balance of nature The Belid Porto M Pendant Light is part of a series of luminaires where love of nature has played a...

PORTO S - Piekaramā Lampa


Belid Porto S Pendant Light - The balance of nature The Belid Porto S Pendant Light is part in a series of luminaires where love of nature has played a...

CERES - Piekaramā Lampa


Harmonic light with Ceres. Ceres with its unique beautiful mouth-blowing glass are a real Eye-Cather in all types of spaces. Made with great care and pride in our factory here...

CATO TRACK 3 LIGHT - Spotlampa

€389,00 €546,00

The creation of Cato is inspired from our Scandinavian heritage. The design is minimalistic and the materials are of highest quality. Cato brings the light from Varberg into the home....

CATO 5 LIGHT - Spotlampa

€546,00 €653,00

The creation of Cato is inspired from our Scandinavian heritage. The design is minimalistic and the materials are of highest quality. Cato brings the light from Varberg into the home....

CATO 5 LIGHT (Ar augšgaismu) - Spotlampa

€559,00 €669,00

The creation of Cato is inspired from our Scandinavian heritage. The design is minimalistic and the materials are of highest quality. Cato brings the light from Varberg into the home....

CATO 3 LIGHT - Spotlampa

€369,00 €458,00

The creation of Cato is inspired from our Scandinavian heritage. The design is minimalistic and the materials are of highest quality. Cato brings the light from Varberg into the home....

CATO 3 LIGHT (Ar augšgaismu) - Spotlampa

€439,00 €499,00

The creation of Cato is inspired from our Scandinavian heritage. The design is minimalistic and the materials are of highest quality. Cato brings the light from Varberg into the home....

FRANK 2.0 - Sienas Lampa

€179,00 €219,00

Frank 2.0 is a modern and classic wall lamp with great functionality. The light can be adjusted to ensure a comfortable lighting experience.

DIABLO (D400 mm) - Sienas Lampa

€419,00 €433,00

Belid Diablo D400 mm Wall Light - Classics Reinvented Belid Diablo D400 mm Wall Light is part of an exclusive series of pendants, floor and table lamps. The design is...

DIABLO (D300 mm) - Sienas Lampa

€339,00 €414,00

Belid Diablo D300 mm Wall Light - Classics reinvented Belid Diablo D300 mm Wall Light is part of an exclusive series of pendants, floor and table lamps. The design is...



The creation of Cato is inspired from our Scandinavian heritage. The design is minimalistic and the materials are of highest quality. Cato brings the light from Varberg into the home....

CATO DOUBLE - Sienas Lampa

€326,00 €414,00

The creation of Cato is inspired from our Scandinavian heritage. The design is minimalistic and the materials are of highest quality. Cato brings the light from Varberg into the home....

CATO SINGLE - Sienas Lampa

€170,00 €194,00

The creation of Cato is inspired from our Scandinavian heritage. The design is minimalistic and the materials are of highest quality. Cato brings the light from Varberg into the home....

VINCENT - Galda Lampa


Vincent is a modern and exclusive table lamp – a perfect match for the modern Scandinavian interior. The luminaire gives a direct light and the head is adjustable.

REGAL - Galda Lampa


Regal presents a simple series of luminaires. The height adjustable attribute gives the lamp a detailed and characteristic expression. The option to choose different light sources enables you to give...

RADIELL - Galda Lampa


Radiell has a raw, industrial expression combined with light and design. The series includes floor, table and wall luminaires. The luminaire is easy to adjust and suitable wherever a functional...

FRANK 2.0 - Galda Lampa

€369,00 €389,00

Frank 2.0 is a modern table luminaire of high functionality. The arm and lamp head is adjustable to create a comfortable light experience.

LEDRO - Galda Lampa


Ledro is a slim and simple table luminaire with a flexible arm and dimmable switch. The gentle and discrete design makes Ledro easy to place anywhere in the home.

DIABLO (D300 mm) - Galda Lampa

€399,00 €489,00

Belid Diablo D300 mm Table Light - Classics reinvented Belid Diablo D300 mm Table Light is part of an exclusive series of pendants, floor and table lamps. The design is...

DIABLO (D200 mm) - Galda Lampa

€329,00 €389,00

The Belid Diablo D200 mm Table Light - Classics Reinveted Belid Diablo D200 mm Table Light part of an exclusive series of pendants, floor and table lamps. The design is...

DELUXE - Galda Lampa

€329,00 €389,00

Deluxe is a timeless table lamp in varnished metal and brass with a switch on the shade. The adjustable shade and direct light give Deluxe high functionality. The series includes...

CATO - Galda Lampa

€269,00 €359,00

The creation of Cato is inspired from our Scandinavian heritage. The design is minimalistic and the materials are of highest quality. Cato brings the light from Varberg into the home....

BUDDY - Galda Lampa

€219,00 €273,00

Buddy table lamp from Belid is of high quality and despite the soft shapes, the table lamp has a solid expression. Buddy's new design is to fit any choice of...

FOLD - Grīdas Lampa


Unique details and choice of materials makes Fold an advanced product. Casted fittings and pushed details defines solid craftmanship to express the idea of metal embracing the light.

VINCENT - Grīdas Lampa


Vincent is a modern and exclusive floor lamp – a perfect match in the Scandinavian modern interior. The luminaire provides a direct lighting and the head is adjustable. Available in...

REGAL - Grīdas Lampa


Regal presents a simplistic more denudate series of luminaires. The height adjustable attribute gives the lamp a detailed and characteristic expression. The option to choose different light sources enables you...

FRANK 2.0 - Grīdas Lampa

€409,00 €499,00

Frank 2.0 is a modern and classic floor luminaire which exudes great functionality. The arm and head are adjustable to create a comfortable lighting.

DIABLO - Grīdas Lampa

€579,00 €689,00

Belid Diablo Floor Lamp - Classics Reinvented The exclusive Belid Diablo Floor Lamp is part of a series that includes pendants, wall, floor and table luminaire. The design is timeless...

VALENCIA - Griestu Lampa


The inspiration for the lamp has been found in clusters of grapes. With the construction of pallets the luminaire diffuses the light in a beautiful way.


Belid galvenā uzmanība tiek pievērsta metālapstrādei, un viņi izmanto šo materiālu labi un pilnvērtīgi. Bet Belid neapstājas tikai pie metāla. Viņiem patīk arī eksperimentēt ar jau esošiem un populāriem materiāliem, taču viņi izmanto arī materiālus, kas līdz šim nav izmantoti apgaismojumā, piemēram, korķis - dabisks, ilgtspējīgs un bieži aizmirsts materiāls. Belid piedāvā plašu spuldžu klāstu no klasiskām un vienkāršām līdz sarežģītām un modernām savā dizainā, bez jebkādiem kompromisiem.

Belid is one of Northern Europe’s leading lighting manufacturers, with a staff of 170 employees. The brand's founder’s vision of developing and manufacturing Swedish lighting proved to be a very successful venture. Since the company was founded in 1969, the company's knowledge and experience in developing and producing lighting has always been clear to see and they continue to maintain their vision of producing high quality lighting to this day.

To achieve this, Belid has laid out 4 key pillars for the success of the company:

  1. Designed with passion - the brand designs its lamps with immense dedication to good design by using in-house designers, but they also work with some carefully selected design partners on various collaborative projects.
  2. Made with dedication - Belid’s lamps are made with great dedication and craftmanship, right down to the smallest of details, in their factory in Varberg, Sweden.
  3. Sold with pride -It is with great pride that the brand is able to say that all of their products are made with great passion and dedication and that knowledge, along with the fact that this all takes place in their own factory, makes the people at Belid very proud of their company.

Throughout the brand's long history, Belid has created many design classics, which are still popular until this day. Some of these include the Diablo series, the Da Vinci collection, Picasso pendant lamps and Anemon.

Svētdiena, Pirmdiena, Otrdiena, Trešdiena, Ceturtdiena, Piektdiena, Sestdiena
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