Melnas stāvlampas | Luminesy

Melnas stāvlampas

Iegriezieties mūsu melno grīdas lampu kolekcijas elegantajā valdzinājumā

Iegremdējieties mūsu melno grīdas lampu kolekcijas modernajā izsmalcinātībā, kur melnā drosme nevainojami saplūst ar nevainojamu dizaina dinamiku. Precīzi izgatavotas, šīs lampas ir augstas un izstaro elegances un mūsdienīga stila auru, padarot tās par izciliem jebkura interjera papildinājumiem.

Melnā krāsa, kas ir dziļuma un dramatisma sinonīms, piešķir telpām nepārspējamu raksturu. Melnās stāvlampas ne tikai izgaismo, bet arī piesaista uzmanību, ar savu pārsteidzošo klātbūtni nostiprinot telpas. To atšķirīgā krāsa ir daudzpusīga, padarot tos ideāli piemērotus dažādiem dekoriem - gan minimālisma stilā iekārtotām telpām, kurās ir nepieciešams centrālais punkts, gan eklektiskam interjeram, kurā tiek meklēts harmonizējošs elements.

Mūsu izvēlētais klāsts demonstrē melnās krāsas daudzveidīgo dabu dizainā. No matētiem apdares materiāliem, kas izstaro maigu, neuzkrītošu eleganci, līdz glancētiem variantiem, kas mirdz ar modernu spīdumu, - šeit atradīsiet izstrādājumu, kas apmierinās ikvienas estētiskās vēlmes. Dažas lampas var lepoties ar tīrām līnijām un minimālisma dizainu, bet citas - ar sarežģītām detaļām, tomēr visas tās apvieno spēcīgā melnā krāsa.

Katra mūsu melno grīdas lampu kolekcijas lampa atspoguļo apņemšanos nodrošināt izcilu meistarību un dizaina izdomu. Šīs lampas ir ne tikai vizuāli pievilcīgas, bet arī veidotas tā, lai izturētu laika pārbaudi, nodrošinot to estētisko un funkcionālo spožumu visos gadalaikos.

    2THIRTY 2 - Grīdas Lampa


    The ‘2Thirty Floor’ by Trizo21 is a design with a nod to the 1970s, with the technology of the future. A unique feature of the ‘2Thirty Floor’: each light source...

    HAZE - Stāvlampa


    Zero Lighting's Haze Floor Lamp: Organic Textures Meeting Contemporary Design Introducing the Haze Floor Lamp from Zero Lighting. This unique lighting solution offers an updated take on the traditional oriental...

    COMPASS P-4079 - Stāvlampa


    Compass P-4078 Floor Lamp by Estiluz - Navigating Design and Light with Precision The Compass Floor Light by Estiluz, a Nahtrang Studio design, is an embodiment of restrained elegance and...

    COMPASS P-4078 - Stāvlampa


    Compass P-4078 Floor Lamp by Estiluz - Navigating Design and Light with Precision The Compass Floor Light by Estiluz, a Nahtrang Studio design, is an embodiment of restrained elegance and...

    STELO137 - Stāvlampa


    Sleek Minimalism: Vesoi Stelo137 Floor Lamp Introducing the Vesoi Stelo137 Floor Lamp, a sleek and innovative lighting solution that combines a linear design with minimalistic charm. This modern LED floor...

    33GIRI - Stāvlampa


    Elevate Your Space with the Timeless Vesoi 33GIRI Floor Lamp Introduce timeless elegance to your home or commercial space with the Vesoi 33GIRI Floor Lamp, featuring an unconventional design that...

    SALTO - Stāvlampa


    Northern Salto - A fun and practical floor lamp Oslo based design firm Gridy took inspiration from their teenage love of skating and snowboarding for their latest lamp - The...

    IGRAM - Stāvlampa


    Grupa Igram Floor Lamp - An interplay of ambiance and function Igram, meaning “playing” in Croatian, is the word that best describes the process of creating this unique collection. Silent...

    BALUNA - Stāvlampa

    €585,00 €625,00

    Grupa Baluna Floor Lamp - a striking fixture combining Scandinavian minimalism with the Industrial look Every segment of Baluna has passed through the hands of Grupa's master craftsmanship, who shaped...

    MODEL 2 - Stāvlampa

    €275,00 €300,00

    Grupa Model 2 Floor Lamp - a striking fixture combining Scandinavian minimalism with the Industrial look Grupa Model is essentially a replication of a playful sketch in space, yet, in...

    MODEL 1 - Stāvlampa

    €275,00 €300,00

    Grupa Model 1 Floor Lamp - a striking fixture combining Scandinavian minimalism with the Industrial look Grupa Model is essentially a replication of a playful sketch in space, yet, in...

    ARIGATO DOUBLE - Stāvlampa


    Grupa Arigato Double Floor Lamp - a striking fixture combining Scandinavian minimalism with the Industrial look A statement behind Grupa's Arigato collection is to materialise a human gesture of gratitude...

    ARIGATO PALACE - Stāvlampa


    Grupa Arigato Palace Floor Lamp - a striking fixture combining Scandinavian minimalism with the Industrial look A statement behind Grupa's Arigato collection is to materialise a human gesture of gratitude...

    ODYSSEY 1 - Grīdas Lampa

    €2.095,00 €1.781,00

    Schwung Odyssey 1 Floor Lamp - where classic meets the contemporary The Odyssey 1 by Schwung Home is a modern freestanding floor light.The Odyssey floor lamp is a striking symbol,...

    MILAN 3 — Stāvlampa

    €2.508,00 €2.708,00

    Schwung home Milan 3 Floor lamp - where classic meets the contemporary The Milan 3 by Schwung Home is a modern freestanding floor light made entirely of solid brass with...

    SOAP 6 - Grīdas Lampa

    €3.890,00 €3.307,00

    Schwung home Soap 6 Floor lamp - where classic meets the contemporary The Soap 6 by Schwung Home is a modern freestanding floor light made entirely of solid brass with...

    LIGHTO P - Stāvlampa


    Parachilna's Lighto from noted designer-artist Jaime Hayon is a luxuriously appointed floor model from his characteristically slender lamp family. The Lighto by Parachilna is composed of a solid metal and...

    SARASOTA - Grīdas Lampa

    €385,00 €409,00

    Sarasota floor lamp from Sweden's Globen Lighting The Sarasota is a modern and graphic lamp from Globen with influences from the middle of the century. The white glass globe rests...

    MISSY - Grīdas Lampa


    Introducing the stunning Missy floor lamp from Globen, the perfect blend of natural textures and sleek modern design. With a twisted rattan shade and a base in either matt black...

    SPUTNIK - Grīdas Lampa


    Pioneering exploration with the Sputnik Floor Lamp from Carpyen Inspired by the pioneers of exploration, the Sputnik Floor Lamp from Carpyen can now pioneer your creativity. Designed by Gabriel Teixido,...

    GALA - Grīdas Lampa


    Gala - A Straight Forward Floor Lamp from Carpyen The Gala Floor Lamp by Capyen is a Metallic floor lamp that offers a sleek and modern design for any room...

    ALFI - Grīdas Lampa

    €1.255,00 €1.345,00

    Like an elegant otherworldly plant, the ALFI - Floor Lamp Delicate as a flower and as functional as a pin, Alfi’s light emerges from a glass orb, softened with a...

    ALUVIA MINI - Grīdas Lampa

    €408,00 €438,00

    From the depths of the oceans, to the bustling city, passing through the enchanting forests, all in one eclectic product. With its characteristic blades made from aluminium, Aluvia is lightweight...

    ANWAR - Stāvlampa

    €3.504,00 €4.668,00

    Parachilna's Anwar from noted designer Stephen Burks is a luxuriously appointed lamp composed by nearly 100 steel rods welded one by one. The Anwar by Parachilna is an artisanal lamp...

    SALAMANCA - Stāvlampa


    The Salamanca Floor Lamp by It’s About RoMi is a simple yet iconic design, with modern style and class. It has a traditional appearance which makes it a great choice...

    SPRINKLE - Stāvlampa


    Add a Dash of Vibrancy with Zero Lighting's Sprinkle Floor Lamp Introducing the Sprinkle Floor Lamp by Zero Lighting, a delightful celebration of light, color, and geometric design. This small...

    SILO - Stāvlampa


    Adorn Your Space with the Minimalistic Elegance of Zero Lighting's Silo Floor Lamp Introducing the Silo Floor Lamp, an emblem of minimalist charm inspired by the timeless silhouette of a...

    PATHFINDER - Polāra Lampa

    €1.735,00 €1.845,00

    Discover the Charm of Functional Aesthetics with Zero Lighting's Pathfinder Bollard Light Presenting the Pathfinder Bollard Light, an artful blend of design and functionality by Zero Lighting. This sculptural bollard...

    LAST - Stāvlampa


    Zero Lighting's Last Floor Lamp: Elegance and Functionality in a Cinematic Design Elevate your interiors with the Last Floor Lamp from Zero Lighting. This classically designed lighting solution features a...

    KARO - Polāra Lampa

    €2.445,00 €2.515,00

    Zero Lighting's Karo Bollard Light: Precision Lighting with Minimal Glare Experience advanced lighting design with the Karo Bollard Light from Zero Lighting. This innovative outdoor lighting solution utilises a dynamic...

    CURVE - Stāvlampa


    Zero Lighting's Curve Floor Lamp: Classic Sophistication Transformed for Contemporary Living Introducing the Curve Floor Lamp from Zero Lighting, a reimagining of the classic library lamp for the modern era....

    CONVEX - Polāra Lampa

    €2.190,00 €2.355,00

    Zero Lighting's Convex Bollard Light: A Fusion of Clarity and Durability for Outdoor Lighting Introducing the Convex Bollard Light from Zero Lighting, an evolution of the popular Convex family. Exhibiting...

    BOB - Stāvlampa


    Define Your Space with the Bob Floor Lamp from Zero Lighting Introducing the Bob Floor Lamp from Zero Interior, a beacon of modern design that effortlessly infuses your space with...

    RIGA - Stāvlampa


    Sleek Minimalism: Vesoi Riga Floor Lamp Introducing the Vesoi Riga Floor Lamp, a sleek and minimalist lighting solution that combines innovative design with essential functionality. Crafted with an aluminum structure...

    PALLATRE - Stāvlampa


    Elevate Your Space: Vesoi Pallatre Floor Lamp Introducing the Vesoi Pallatre Floor Lamp, a dynamic standing light that combines sculptural shapes and elegant design to transform any environment. With its...

    MULTIPLO - Stāvlampa


    Sleek and Versatile: Vesoi Multiplo Floor Lamp Introducing the stylish Vesoi Multiplo Floor Lamp, a perfect combination of elegance and versatility that will seamlessly complement any interior design. With its...

    I...NO - Stāvlampa


    Experience the Warmth and Style of the Vesoi i...no Floor Lamp Transform your living space with the Vesoi i...no Floor Lamp, a stunning steel structure lighting solution that brings warmth...

    BOW137 - Stāvlampa


    Illuminate Your Space with the Sleek Vesoi BOW137 Floor Lamp Introducing the Vesoi BOW137 Floor Lamp, a stunning lighting solution that brings new lighting scenarios to your living spaces. This...

    TAURUS - Polāra Lampa

    €420,00 €505,00

    Enhance Your Outdoor Space with the Taurus Bollard Light from Belid Introducing the Taurus Bollard Light from Belid, a durable and stylish metal outdoor lighting solution designed to elevate your...

    MOON - Polāra Lampa


    Bring Timeless Elegance to Your Outdoor Space with the Moon Bollard Lamp from Belid Add a touch of classic charm to your outdoor area with the Moon Bollard Lamp from...

    Melnas stāvlampas

    Ieejiet mūsu melno grīdas lampu kolekcijas pasaulē. Paaugstiniet savas telpas ar šiem augstajiem gaismas brīnumiem un ļaujiet to gludajiem profiliem un valdzinošajai klātbūtnei no jauna noteikt jūsu interjera stāstījumu. Izbaudiet melnās krāsas spēku un eleganci, kas pārvērsta gaismojošā mākslinieciskuma formās.

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