Melnas sienas lampas | Luminesy

Melnas sienas lampas

Atklājiet mūsu melnās sienas apgaismojuma kolekcijas eleganci

Ienirstiet mūžīgā izsmalcinātības valstībā ar mūsu melno sienas gaismekļu kolekciju. Mūsu kolekcijā ir virkne melnu sienu brāļļu un gaismekļu, kas nodrošina perfektu stila, funkcionalitātes un modernitātes līdzsvaru. Šie ķermeņi ar savu gludo melno apdari kalpo kā ikoniski dizaina apliecinājumi, bez piepūles uzlabojot jebkuru telpu, ko tie rotā.

Melno sienas gaismekļu valdzinājums slēpjas to daudzpusīgumā. To drosmīgais, tumšais tonis ne tikai spilgti kontrastē ar gaišākām sienām, bet arī nevainojami iederas tumšākās paletēs, tādējādi nodrošinot, ka tie atrod vietu dažādos interjeros - no mūsdienīga līdz klasiskam. Neatkarīgi no tā, vai vēlaties akcentēt gaiteni, izcelt mākslas darbus vai vienkārši piešķirt telpai noskaņas apgaismojumu, mūsu melno sienu gaismekļu kolekcijā ir viss, kas jums nepieciešams.

Mūsu atlasītajā klāstā jūs sastapsieties ar daudziem dažādiem dizainparaugiem. Eleganti, minimālisma stila brāļi, kas nodrošina mūsdienīgu akcentu, sarežģīti dizaini, kas atgādina senatnīgu eleganci, vai regulējami ķermeņi, kas nodrošina mērķtiecīgu apgaismojumu. Tos visus vieno vienojošais pavediens? To valdzinošā melnā apdare, kas garantē vizuālu iespaidu.

    CIRC - Grīdas Lampa


    Estiluz Frame Outdoor Wall Light - Outdoor lighting reinvented Illuminate your outdoor space with the sleek and stylish Frame Outdoor Wall Light from Estiluz. Designed to provide soft, ambient lighting,...

    DOLIO W90 - Sienas Lampa


    Introducing the Dolio W90, the latest innovation from ANTIDARK's outdoor lighting collection. The Dolio W90 is a sleek and stylish wall light designed to transform any outdoor space into a...

    ARCA STEP - Sienas Lampa


    Introducing the Arca Step, the newest addition to ANTIDARK's lineup of outdoor lighting solutions. Designed to elevate any outdoor space, this wall light is a perfect blend of style and...

    DUSK - Sienas Lampa


    101 Copenhagen Dusk Wall Light - An art piece in itself. The Dusk and Dawn lamps are a unique source of light that lets the mind wander to planets, eclipses...

    BALANCER MINI - Sienas / Galda lampa


    Northern Balancer Mini - The Multifuncional lamp Berlin-based design studio YUUE, have now added a mini lamp to their gravity defying Balancer series for Northern. Drastically reduced in size, but...

    IGRAM - Sienas Lampa


    Grupa Igram Wall Lamp -An interplay of ambiance and function Igram, meaning “playing” in Croatian, is the word that best describes the process of creating this unique collection. Silent by...

    BALUNA LARGE - Sienas Lampa

    €830,00 €870,00

    Grupa Baluna Large Wall Lamp - a striking fixture combining Scandinavian minimalism with the Industrial look Every segment of Baluna has passed through the hands of Grupa's master craftsmanship, who...

    BALUNA MEDIUM - Sienas Lampa

    €470,00 €510,00

    Grupa Baluna Medium Wall Lamp - a striking fixture combining Scandinavian minimalism with the Industrial look Every segment of Baluna has passed through the hands of Grupa's master craftsmanship, who...

    BALUNA - Griestu / Sienas lampa


    Grupa Baluna Ceiling and Wall Lamp - a striking fixture combining Scandinavian minimalism with the Industrial look Every segment of Baluna has passed through the hands of Grupa's master craftsmanship,...

    Baluna - Galda / Sienas Lampa

    €370,00 €405,00

    Grupa Baluna Table / Wall Lamp - a striking fixture combining Scandinavian minimalism with the Industrial look Every segment of Baluna has passed through the hands of Grupa's master craftsmanship,...



    Grupa Arigato Double Long / Short Wall Lamp - a striking fixture combining Scandinavian minimalism with the Industrial look A statement behind Grupa's Arigato collection is to materialise a human...

    ARIGATO DOUBLE - Sienas Lampa


    Grupa Arigato Double Wall Lamp a striking fixture combining Scandinavian minimalism with the Industrial look A statement behind Grupa's Arigato collection is to materialise a human gesture of gratitude through...

    ARIGATO SHORT - Sienas Lampa


    Grupa Arigato Short Wall Lamp - a striking fixture combining Scandinavian minimalism with the Industrial look A statement behind Grupa's Arigato collection is to materialise a human gesture of gratitude...

    CUPOLINA A-3930 - Sienas Lampa

    €395,00 €435,00

    Industrial, but cozy - the CUPOLINA A-3930 - Wall Light by Estiluz Estiluz's Cupolina is a warm and uniform light that can fill any space with harmonious vibes and character....

    LIGHTO A - Sienas lampa


    Parachilna's Lighto A from noted designer-artist Jaime Hayon is a luxuriously appointed wall lamp from his characteristically slender lamp family. The Lighto by Parachilna is composed of a metal structure...

    CATO SLIM ROUND 5 - Spotlampa


    The creation of Cato Slim round 5 is inspired from our Scandinavian heritage. The design is minimalistic and the materials are of highest quality. Cato Slim round 5 brings the...

    CATO SLIM - Sienas Lampa


    The creation of Cato Slim is inspired from our Scandinavian heritage. The design is minimalistic and the materials are of highest quality. Cato Slim brings the light from Varberg into...

    BULLET - Sienas Lampa


    The Bullet collection from 101 Copenhagen is characterized by a closed tubular metal lampshade with a smooth carved opening. The opening is covered in a curved piece of opal glass,...

    CORRADO - Sienas Lampa

    €695,00 €865,00

    Karman Corrado Wall Light - The realistic bull head. Designer Matteo Ugolini's artistic sensibility is exemplified by the Corrado Wall Light, minutely crafted from matte-white ceramic. A tribute to the...

    2THIRTY W1 - Sienas Lampa


    The ‘2Thirty’ by Trizo21 is a design with a nod to the 1970s, with the technology of the future. Non honeycomb version available on demand.

    SCAR-LED 1FD BUILT-UP - Sienas Lampa

    €355,00 €370,00

    Trizo21 SCAR-LED Wall Light - A flexible, modern reading light The Scar-led wall light from Trizo21 is the ideal (bedside) reading lamp. The 1W power-LED delivers more than enough light...

    ODYSSEY MD - Sienas Lampa

    €438,00 €548,00

    Schwung home Odyssey MD Wall light - where classic meets the contemporary The Odyssey MD sconce by Schwung Home is a modern wall light handmade from polished, patinated brass protected...

    CANUT A-3570 - Sienas Lampa

    €416,00 €429,00

    Two independently adjustable reading lights mounted horizontally allows one to read without disturbing the rest of a sleeping partner.

    COMPASS A-4070 - Sienas Lampa


    Compass A-4070 Wall Light by Estiluz - Navigating Design and Light with Precision The Compass Wall Light by Estiluz, a Nahtrang Studio design, is an embodiment of restrained elegance and...

    B&W C2332 - Sienas Lampa


    Glossy Black Ceramic Wall Light: Ferroluce B&W C2332 Exemplifying classic design elements, the Ferroluce B&W C2332 Wall Light delivers a polished and sophisticated aesthetic. This fixture is characterized by a...

    B&W C2337 - Sienas Lampa


    Glossy Black and White Ceramic Wall Light: Ferroluce B&W C2337 Exemplifying classic design elements, the Ferroluce B&W C2337 Wall Light delivers a polished and sophisticated aesthetic. This fixture is characterized...

    SINNE - Sienas Lampa

    €220,00 €330,00

    Illuminate Your Space with the Elegant Sinne Wall Light from Belid Introducing the Sinne Wall Light from Belid, a sophisticated and versatile metal lamp designed to enhance any interior setting....

    SINNE OUTDOOR - Sienas Lampa

    €315,00 €330,00

    Illuminate Your Space with the Elegant Sinne Outdoor Wall Light from Belid Introducing the Sinne Wall Light from Belid, a sophisticated and versatile metal lamp designed to enhance any outdoor...

    MIST - Sienas Lampa


    Illuminate Your Exterior with the Mist Outdoor Wall Light from Belid Enhance your outdoor space with the simple yet captivating design of the Mist Wall Light from Belid. Created by...

    MOON - Sienas Lampa


    Illuminate Your Exterior with the Classic Moon Wall Lamp from Belid The Moon Wall Lamp from Belid brings a touch of vintage elegance to your outdoor space. Designed by Roger...

    MAX - Sienas Lampa


    Elevate Your Outdoor Space with the Max Wall Lamp from Belid The Max Wall Lamp from Belid is a stylish and versatile outdoor lighting solution that adds a touch of...

    MIRA - Sienas Lampa


    Illuminate Your Exterior with the Mira Wall Lamp from Belid Add a touch of modern sophistication to your outdoor space with the Mira Wall Lamp from Belid. Designed for outdoor...

    ODYSSEY SM - Sienas lampa

    €413,00 €516,00

    Schwung Odyssey SM Wall Light - where classic meets the contemporary The Odyssey SM sconce by Schwung Home is a modern wall light handmade from polished, patinated brass protected with...

    CATO SINGLE FLEX - Sienas Lampa


    The creation of Cato Slim flex is inspired from our Scandinavian heritage. The design is minimalistic and the materials are of highest quality. Cato Slim flex brings the light from...

    MURANE - Griestu / Sienas Lampa


    The Murane sconce is a dual-purpose light, it can be mounted both for ceiling or wall and has a semi-recessed installation for interior walls. Sheet metal fixing bracket finished with...

    ODYSSEY LG - Sienas Lampa

    €489,00 €612,00

    Schwung Odyssey LG Wall Light - where classic meets the contemporary The Odyssey LG sconce by Schwung Home is a modern wall light handmade from polished, patinated brass protected with...

    CIRC - Sienas Lampa

    €386,00 €438,00

    The CIRC A-3722 Wall Light by Estiluz, uniqueness in simplicity. Sconce globes can be encircled with a slender metal ring or balanced on a metal bar. Indoor uses include hallways...

    CANUT A-3571 - Sienas Lampa

    €537,00 €584,00

    The CANUT A-3571 - Wall Light from Estiluz, Streamlined to perfection. Two independently adjustable reading lights mounted horizontally allows one to read without disturbing the rest of a sleeping partner....

    THIRTY - Sienas Lampa

    €1.010,00 €1.095,00

    Experience Versatile Illumination with Zero Lighting's Thirty Wall Light Zero Lighting presents the Thirty Wall Light, an innovative LED fixture meticulously designed to enhance the visual appeal of corridors, public...

    SILO - Sienas Lampa


    Adorn Your Space with the Minimalistic Elegance of Zero Lighting's Silo Wall Light Introducing the Silo Wall Light, an emblem of minimalist charm inspired by the timeless silhouette of a...

    Melnas sienas lampas

    Ikviens mūsu melnās sienas apgaismojuma kolekcijas melnās sienas lampas elements ir veidots, ievērojot nemainīgu apņemšanos nodrošināt kvalitāti, un tas ir izturīgs, stilīgs un ar nepārspējamu veiktspēju. Meistarīga meistarība nodrošina, ka katrs melnais sienas gaismeklis ne tikai priecē estētiku, bet arī ir uzticamības bāka.

    Atklājiet mūsu melno sienas gaismekļu kolekcijas pārveidojošo spēku. Iegremdējiet savu telpu dziļā elegancē, ko spēj sniegt tikai melni sienas gaismekļi, un ļaujiet katram gaismeklim kļūt par jūsu nevainojamās gaumes apliecinājumu. Izbaudiet noir apgaismojuma burvību.

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