Bomma Umbra kolekcija | Čehu stikla apgaismojums | Luminesy

Bomma Umbra kolekcija

Bomma Umbra - Nav ēnas bez gaismas

Katra Bomma Umbra kolekcijas detaļa ar izsmalcinātu eleganci iemieso ģeometrisko objektu un to ēnu attiecības. Tās metāla plāksnīte ir atvasināta no kristāla lodes mestās perfekti eliptiskās ēnas un atspoguļo izsmalcināto mutē pūsto priekšmetu krāsu gammu. Bomma tradicionālās stikla veidošanas metodes nodrošina, ka katrs Umbra kolekcijas gabals ir īsts oriģināls. Tā perfekto detaļu, elementāru formu un maigo pasteļtoņu kombinācija padara Umbra par īstu dārgakmeni jūsu interjeram.

Iepazīstieties ar visu Bomma klāstu šeit.

    UMBRA 7 - Lustra


    Bomma Umbra - There is no shadow without light Every detail of Bomma's Umbra collection embodies the relation of geometric objects and their shadows with sophisticated elegance. Its metal plate...

    UMBRA 11 - Lustra


    Bomma Umbra - There is no shadow without light Every detail of Bomma's Umbra collection embodies the relation of geometric objects and their shadows with sophisticated elegance. Its metal plate...

    UMBRA 10 - Lustra


    Bomma Umbra - There is no shadow without light Every detail of Bomma's Umbra collection embodies the relation of geometric objects and their shadows with sophisticated elegance. Its metal plate...

    UMBRA 5 - Chandelier


    Bomma Umbra - There is no shadow without light Every detail of Bomma's Umbra collection embodies the relation of geometric objects and their shadows with sophisticated elegance. Its metal plate...

    UMBRA 3 - Lustra


    Bomma Umbra - There is no shadow without light Every detail of Bomma's Umbra collection embodies the relation of geometric objects and their shadows with sophisticated elegance. Its metal plate...

    UMBRA - Sienas / Griestu Lampa


    Bomma Umbra - There is no shadow without light Every detail of Bomma's Umbra collection embodies the relation of geometric objects and their shadows with sophisticated elegance. Its metal plate...

    UMBRA - Galda lampa


    Bomma Umbra - There is no shadow without light Every detail of Bomma's Umbra collection embodies the relation of geometric objects and their shadows with sophisticated elegance. Its metal plate...

    UMBRA - Piekaramā lampa


    Bomma Umbra - There is no shadow without light Every detail of Bomma's Umbra collection embodies the relation of geometric objects and their shadows with sophisticated elegance. Its metal plate...

    Bomma Umbra kolekcija

    Bomma Umbra kolekcija pārsteigs jūs ar savām daudzveidīgajām uzstādīšanas iespējām un iespēju veidot unikālas kompozīcijas telpā. Rezultāts vienmēr ir atšķirīga un mākslinieciska instalācija, kurā Umbra darbojas kā centrālais elements, kas mirdz no jebkura interjera leņķa.

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