Misiņa galda lampas | Luminesy

Misiņa galda lampas

Izbaudiet mūsu misiņa galda lampu kolekcijas klasisko spožumu

Ieejiet mūžīgas elegances pasaulē ar mūsu misiņa galda lampu kolekciju. Šajos gaismas ķermeņos, ko rotā raksturīgais misiņa spīdums, nevainojami savijas tradicionālais šarms ar mūsdienīgu valdzinājumu, kļūstot par zvaigžņu papildinājumu jebkuram interjeram.

Misiņa neatņemamais skaistums slēpjas tā siltajā, zeltainajā mirdzumā, kas atgādina aizgājušos laikmetus, taču joprojām ir ļoti aktuāls mūsdienu dizaina ainavā. Misiņa galda lampas ne tikai piesātina telpas ar maigu, apkārtējo gaismu, bet arī ir ikoniski priekšmeti, kas iemieso greznību, mantojumu un izsmalcinātību. To mirdzošā apdare kalpo gan kā mājiens klasiskajam dizainam, gan kā apliecinājums mūsdienu estētikai.

Mūsu ar rokām atlasītajā sortimentā jūs atradīsiet dārgumu krātuvi ar dizainu, kas atbilst dažādām gaumēm. Neatkarīgi no tā, vai jūs valdzina modernā silueta glītums vai tradicionālāka izstrādājuma sarežģītās detaļas, jūs gaida misiņa lampa, kas izgaismos jūsu telpu. Lai gan katrai lampai piemīt unikāls šarms, vienojošais faktors joprojām ir spīdīga misiņa apdare, kas mirdz ar raksturu un stilu.

    FIREFLY IN THE SKY - Galda Lampa

    €500,00 €640,00

    Panzeri FIREFLY IN THE SKY Table Light - Minimalistic outdoor lamp Panzeri FIREFLY IN THE SKY is an IP65 outdoor battery table and peg lamp. The removable head contains magnetic...

    EOS MINI - Galda Lampa

    €198,00 €218,00

    Umage EOS MINI Table Lamp - A unique feather cloud light The Umage EOS MINI Table Lamp draws its force and mesmerizing beauty from the earth tones of the Nordic...

    AUSTERE - Galda Lampa

    €850,00 €1.010,00

    Trizo21 Austere Table lamp - One line, no frills ‘Austere’ can mean sleek, linear and/or stripped of excess. And also slender and tranquil just like an ethereal silhouette. It can’t...

    JACKIE - Galda Lampa

    €485,00 €550,00

    Panzeri Jackie Table Light - A simply modern light A showpiece by Panzeri: the LED table lamp with a robust base in the famous Panzeri collection is an ideal lighting...

    NOTTE T1 - Table Lamp

    €460,00 €495,00

    Notte Table Lamp by Prandina – Timeless Elegance in Compact Form The Notte Table Lamp by Prandina offers a perfect blend of refined craftsmanship and minimalist design, providing soft, diffused...

    ROCCIA - Table Lamp

    €109,00 €120,00

    Roccia Table Lamp by Globen – A Modern Classic in Light and Form The Roccia Table Lamp by Globen blends minimalist elegance with a bold yet compact design, ideal for...

    CAPSULE - Table Lamp

    €585,00 €920,00

    Capsule Table Lamp by Carpyen – A Masterpiece of Alabaster and Ambient Light The Capsule Table Lamp from Carpyen offers a refined blend of natural beauty and sophisticated design. Crafted...

    HEREM - Galda Lampa


    Herem Table Lamp by Catellani & Smith – Elegance in Form and Function The Herem Table Lamp by Catellani & Smith is a masterpiece of minimalist design, blending modern functionality...

    MACARON S - Galda Lampa

    €2.880,00 €3.765,00

    Illuminated Elegance: The Macaron PC1038 Table Lamp by Brokis Introducing the Macaron PC1038 Table Lamp by Brokis, a masterful homage to the ethereal beauty of crystalline stone, captuRed within the...

    MACARON M - Galda Lampa

    €3.905,00 €5.150,00

    Illuminated Elegance: The Macaron PC1039 Table Lamp by Brokis Introducing the Macaron PC1039 Table Lamp by Brokis, a masterful homage to the ethereal beauty of crystalline stone, captuRed within the...

    MACARON L - Galda Lampa

    €4.965,00 €6.585,00

    Illuminated Elegance: The Macaron PC1040 Table Lamp by Brokis Introducing the Macaron PC1040 Table Lamp by Brokis, a masterful homage to the ethereal beauty of crystalline stone, captuRed within the...

    GEOMETRIC - Galda Lampa


    Geometric Table Lamp by Brokis: Sculpting Light with Precision Introducing the Geometric Table Lamp by Brokis, a luminary masterpiece where light sculpts glass into graphic elegance. This collection is a...

    MANTA RAY - Galda Lampa

    €268,00 €288,00

    Umage Manta Ray Table Lamp: A Fusion of Art and Ambiance Elevate your interior space with the mesmerizing artistry of the Manta Ray Table Lamp by UMAGE. Constructed from powder-coated...

    WL130 - Galda Lampa


    Vesoi WL130 Table Lamp: Elegance and Functionality Combined Illuminate your space with the Vesoi WL130 Table Lamp, an embodiment of elegant simplicity and functional lighting. The lamp's minimalistic design pairs...

    RIGA - Galda Lampa


    Illuminate Your Space: Vesoi Riga Table Lamp Experience the perfect blend of essential design and innovative functionality with the Vesoi Riga Table Lamp, a modern and elegant table light. This...

    PALLA - Galda Lampa


    Minimalist Elegance: Vesoi Palla Table Lamp Introducing the beautifully simplistic Vesoi Palla Table Lamp, a functional and versatile table light for any room. With its sleek design and neutral colors,...

    NASH - Galda Lampa


    Elegant Balance: Vesoi Nash Table Lamp Embrace the harmony of the Vesoi Nash Table Lamp, a well rounded table lighting masterpiece inspired by the concept of balance. This brass or...

    MULTIPLO - Galda Lampa


    Sophisticated Illumination: Vesoi Multiplo Table Lamp Elevate your space with the elegant and versatile Vesoi Multiplo Table Lamp, a modern-classic lighting solution that combines geometric design and high-quality materials to...

    BIJOUX - Galda Lampa


    Elevate Your Interiors with the Sophisticated Vesoi Bijoux Table Lamp Introducing the Vesoi Bijoux Table Lamp, a masterful creation that combines elegance and design to create the perfect atmosphere in...

    BRUNETTI - Galda Lampa


    Concentrated Art Deco - The Brunetti Table Lamp from Eichholtz Introducing the Brunetti Table Light from Eichholtz, a striking and unique lamp for your home. This exceptional table lamp showcases...

    CHÂTEL - Galda Lampa


    Add Sophisticated Elegance with the Eichholtz Châtel Table Light The Châtel Table Light from Eichholtz is a stunning lamp that adds a touch of sophistication and elegance to any room....

    D'ANCONA - Galda Lampa


    Abstract and Practical - The D'Ancona Table Lamp from Eichholtz Introducing the D'Ancona Table Light from Eichholtz, a striking and unique lamp for your home. This exceptional table lamp showcases...

    LORENZA - Galda Lampa


    Add Sophisticated Elegance with the Eichholtz Lorenza Table Light The Lorenza Table Light from Eichholtz is a stunning lighting fixture that adds a touch of sophisticated elegance to any space....

    SCARLETTE - Galda Lampa


    Add a Unique Touch with the Eichholtz Scarlette Table Lamp The Scarlette Table Light from Eichholtz is a unique and stylish lamp that adds a touch of sophistication to your...

    ZERENO - Galda Lampa


    Make a Statement with the Eichholtz Zereno Table Lamp The Zereno Table Light from Eichholtz is a stunning lamp that resembles a trophy and adds a touch of victory and...

    CINCO - Galda Lampa


    Add a Unique Touch with the Eichholtz Cinco Table Lamp The Cinco Table Lamp from Eichholtz is a unique and stylish lighting fixture that adds a touch of sophistication to...

    BONNY - Galda Lampa

    €1.525,00 €1.650,00

    Elevate Your Decor with the Eichholtz Bonny Table Lamp The Bonny Table Lamp from Eichholtz is a stunning and elegant lighting fixture that elevates your decor with its unique design....

    THE ROCK - Galda Lampa


    Natural Silhouettes - The Rock Table Lamp from Eichholtz Introducing the Rock Table Lamp from Eichholtz, a striking and unique lighting solution for your home. This exceptional table lamp showcases...

    VIGGO - Galda Lampa


    Add an accent to Your Space with the Viggo Table Lamp from Eichholtz The Viggo Table Lamp from Eichholtz is an eye-catching statement piece that will bring a unique touch...

    LEVY - Galda Lampa


    Elegant Harmony: The Levy Table Lamp by Eichholtz Introducing the Levy Table Lamp by Eichholtz, a perfect blend of sophisticated design and quality materials. This stylish table lamp features a...

    PALMARITO - Galda Lampa


    Embellish Your Space with the Charming Palmarito Table Lamp by Eichholtz Introduce an elegant touch to your décor with the delightful Palmarito Table Lamp from Eichholtz. This exquisite lamp features...

    T MODEL - Galda Lampa

    €1.395,00 €1.650,00

    Anour T Model - Elegant, yet functional Anour T-Model is a minimalistic and contemporary reinterpretation of a classical desk lamp embodied in a timeless look that feels at home in...

    THESIS - Galda Lampa

    €1.615,00 €1.700,00

    LZF KASA, THE CURIOUS LIGHT Kasa is a bijou and rather curious table lamp designed by Eli Gutierrez for LZF Lamps. The lamp’s rounded wood veneer panel has a slight...

    Tom Rossau TR5 - Galda Lampa

    €600,00 €680,00

    TR5 from Tom Rossau - the flowing lamp Designed by the famous danish lighting designer Tom Rossau, the TR5 table lamp appears exceptionally dashing in its stacked wood veneer strips....

    ODYSSEY 6 - Grīdas Lampa

    €1.756,00 €2.193,00

    Schwung Odyssey 6 Table Lamp - where classic meets the contemporary The Schwung Odyssey 6 Table Lamp is a modern freestanding light made entirely of solid brass with mouth blown...

    ZOSIA - Galda Lampa

    €1.305,00 €1.632,00

    Schwung home Zosia table lamp - where classic meets the contemporary The Zosia by Schwung Home is a modern freestanding table light made entirely of solid brass with mouth blown...

    ODYSSEY 1 - galda lampa

    €923,00 €1.154,00

    Schwung Odyssey 1 Table Lamp - where classic meets the contemporary Schwung Odyssey 1 Table Lamp is a modern freestanding table light made entirely of solid brass with mouth blown...

    MILAN - galda lampa

    €1.649,00 €2.074,00

    Schwung home Milan table lamp - where classic meets the contemporary The Milan 1 by Schwung Home is a modern freestanding table light made entirely of solid brass with mouth...

    ORBITAL - Galda Lampa

    €2.131,00 €2.409,00

    Bomma Orbital - Bravely crossing galactic paths Bomma’s Orbital traces paths of multicolored celestial bodies that glow with hypnotically cores. This ingenious design of mouth-blown glass lenses, held together by...

    MA-ROCK M - Galda lampa

    €1.754,00 €1.955,00

    Jaime Hayon was commissioned by Parachilna to capture Morocco’s colourful landscapes, silent deserts & characteristic flavours. That is how the Ma-Rock was born. Ma-Rock T ME by Parachilna is a...

    Misiņa galda lampas

    Katra mūsu misiņa galda lampu kolekcijas lampa liecina par nevainojamu meistarību un neatslābstošu uzmanību detaļām. Katra lampa ir rūpīgi veidota, lai tā ne tikai izgaismotu telpu, bet arī kalpotu kā paliekošs dizaina izcilības apliecinājums.

    Iegremdējieties mūsu misiņa galda lampu kolekcijas spožajā valdzinājumā. Ļaujiet šiem zelta bākugunīm pārveidot jūsu telpas ar to mirdzošo mirdzumu un priecājieties par misiņa senatnīgo šarmu, kas pārveidots mūsdienu mājoklim.

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