Farmhouse Stila Apgaismojums | Luminesy

Farmhouse Stila Apgaismojums

Iegremdējieties mūsu farmhouse stila apgaismojuma kolekcijas lauku stila šarmā

Atklājiet lauku elegances valdzinājumu ar mūsu ar rokām atlasīto Farmhouse stila apgaismojuma kolekciju. Mūsu kolekcijā apvienots mūžīgais lauku arhitektūras šarms ar mūsdienīgu funkcionalitāti, radot valdzinošu senatnīgā šarma un mūsdienīga komforta apvienojumu.

Farmhouse stilu raksturo vienkāršība, praktiskums un silta, aicinoša atmosfēra, kas atgādina mājas sajūtu. Mūsu kolekcija precīzi iemieso šos elementus, nodrošinot, ka katrs gabals bagātina jūsu telpu ar mājīgu, mierinošu auru. Mūsu Farmhouse stila apgaismojuma kolekcija ir veltījums lauku dzīves neatņemamajam šarmam, sākot no rustikālās pievilcības, ko rada laikapstākļu izturēta koka un misiņa apdare, līdz pat aicinošajam atmosfēras apgaismojuma siltumam.

    SCREEN XL - Piekaramā Lampa


    Market Set Screen - Bring warmth to your space with this French lighting collection Discover the Screen collection from the French lighting design house Market Set. This elegant design pendant...

    SCREEN XXL - Piekaramā Lampa


    Market Set SCREEN XXL Pendant Light - Bring warmth to your space with this French lighting collection The Market Set SCREEN XXL Pendant Light brings a modern and classic charm...

    SCREEN 70s - Piekaramā Lampa


    Market Set Screen 70's Pendant Light - relive the graphic 1970's with this updated French lighting collection Discover the Screen 70's collection from the French lighting design house Market Set....

    SINGAPOUR XS - Piekaramā Lampa


    Market Set Singapour XS Pendant Light - Aesthetic Architectural Lights The Market Set Singapour XS Pendant Light is part of an aesthetic and feminine series of lamps with real architectural...

    Z5 - Piekaramā Lampa

    €475,00 €565,00

    Z5 from Ay Illuminate - A natural and bohemian light Introducing the exquisite Z5 Pendant Light by Ay Illuminate, a stunning luminaire from the Z series collection designed by the...

    Z11 - Piekaramā Lampa

    €655,00 €980,00

    Z11 from Ay Illuminate - A natural and bohemian light Introducing the exquisite Z11 Pendant Light by Ay Illuminate, a stunning luminaire from the Z series collection designed by the...

    Z2 - Piekaramā Lampa

    €545,00 €1.220,00

    Z2 from Ay Illuminate - A natural and bohemian light Introducing the exquisite Z2 Pendant Light by Ay Illuminate, a stunning luminaire from the Z series collection designed by the...

    Z1 - Piekaramā Lampa

    €545,00 €1.220,00

    Z1 from Ay Illuminate - A natural and bohemian light Introducing the exquisite Z1 Pendant Light by Ay Illuminate, a stunning luminaire from the Z series collection designed by the...

    SCREEN - Sienas Lampa


    The Market Set Screen wall light floats like a mobile.‎ Light and material effect.‎ These vintage looking screens will suit any decorative style.‎ Chic and natural, caning is everywhere.‎ It...

    GRASS S - Piekaramā Lampa


    Bring Nature Indoors with the Graceful Grass S Pendant Light from Forestier From her Grass collection for French brand Forestier, Jette Scheib emphasizes that it is meant to express the...

    RIVAGE M - Piekaramā Lampa


    Market Set Rivage M Pendant Light - A lamp inspired by the ocean The Market Set Rivage M Pendant Light is a suspension crafted from the result of an association...

    SCREEN 2L - Sienas Lampa


    The Screen 2L wall light from Market Set floats like a mobile.‎ Light and material effect.‎ These vintage looking screens will suit any decorative style.‎ Chic and natural, caning is...

    SINGAPOUR M - Piekaramā Lampa


    Market Set Singapour M Pendant Light - Aesthetic Architectural Lights The Market Set Singapour M Pendant Light is a part of an aesthetic and feminine series of lamps with real...

    SCREEN 70s XXL - Piekaramā Lampa


    Market Set Screen 70's XXL - relive the graphic 1970's with this updated French lighting collection Discover the Screen 70's collection from the French lighting design house Market Set. This...

    PARROT M - Piekaramā Lampa


    Add a Pop of Colour to Your Space with the Parrot M Pendant Light from Forestier For her Parrot collection for French brand Forestier, Jette Scheib densifies her color palette,...

    SINGAPOUR - Galda Lampa


    Singapour by Market Set - Aesthetic Architectural Lights The Singapour table lamp from Market Set is an aesthetic and feminine series of lamps with real architectural compositions. Indeed, the soft,...

    CYMBAL M - Piekaramā Lampa

    €590,00 €530,00

    Make a Statement with the Cymbal M Pendant Light from Forestier Used as a shield, cymbals first appeared in Ancient Greece. The musical origin of the percussion instrument comes from...

    MOOD 150 - Pendant Light


    Mood A Futuristic Pendant Light by Modo Luce A pendant light with a bold and futuristic presence, Mood by Modo Luce blends harmony and proportion to create a striking visual...

    MOOD 120 - Pendant Light


    Mood A Futuristic Pendant Light by Modo Luce A pendant light with a bold and futuristic presence, Mood by Modo Luce blends harmony and proportion to create a striking visual...

    MOOD 100 - Pendant Light


    Mood A Futuristic Pendant Light by Modo Luce A pendant light with a bold and futuristic presence, Mood by Modo Luce blends harmony and proportion to create a striking visual...

    MILLELUCI 80 - Pendant Light


    Milleluci A Contemporary Interpretation of Classic Elegance by Modo Luce A pendant light that embraces both tradition and modernity, Milleluci by Modo Luce reinterprets the classic lampshade with refined details...

    MILLELUCI 40 - Pendant Light


    Milleluci A Contemporary Interpretation of Classic Elegance by Modo Luce A pendant light that embraces both tradition and modernity, Milleluci by Modo Luce reinterprets the classic lampshade with refined details...

    FLORINDA 3 - Pendant Light


    Florinda The Art of Light by Modo Luce An elegant pendant light with a sculptural presence, Florinda by Modo Luce embodies the artistry of Italian craftsmanship. With its refined silhouette...

    FLORINDA 12 - Pendant Light


    Florinda The Art of Light by Modo Luce An elegant pendant light with a sculptural presence, Florinda by Modo Luce embodies the artistry of Italian craftsmanship. With its refined silhouette...

    FLORINDA 6 - Pendant Light


    Florinda The Art of Light by Modo Luce An elegant pendant light with a sculptural presence, Florinda by Modo Luce embodies the artistry of Italian craftsmanship. With its refined silhouette...

    FLORINDA 1 - Pendant Light


    Florinda The Art of Light by Modo Luce An elegant pendant light with a sculptural presence, Florinda by Modo Luce embodies the artistry of Italian craftsmanship. With its refined silhouette...

    COCO 80 - Pendant Light


    Coco: A Graceful Pendant Light by Modo Luce A pendant light that embodies elegance, Coco by Modo Luce brings a sense of movement and charm to any space. Its soft,...

    COCO 100 - Pendant Light


    Coco: A Graceful Pendant Light by Modo Luce A pendant light that embodies elegance, Coco by Modo Luce brings a sense of movement and charm to any space. Its soft,...

    COCO 60 - Pendant Light


    Coco: A Graceful Pendant Light by Modo Luce A pendant light that embodies elegance, Coco by Modo Luce brings a sense of movement and charm to any space. Its soft,...

    ALCO 120 - Pendant Light


    Alco Pendant Light by Modo Luce – A Harmonious Blend of Light and Texture The Alco Pendant Light by Modo Luce is a testament to the beauty of simplicity and...

    ALCO 120 - Ceiling Light


    Alco Ceiling Light by Modo Luce – A Refined Balance of Light and Comfort The Alco Ceiling Light by Modo Luce brings a sense of warmth and refinement to any...

    ALCO 90 - Ceiling Light


    Alco Ceiling Light by Modo Luce – A Refined Balance of Light and Comfort The Alco Ceiling Light by Modo Luce brings a sense of warmth and refinement to any...

    ALCO 90 - Pendant Light


    Alco Pendant Light by Modo Luce – A Harmonious Blend of Light and Texture The Alco Pendant Light by Modo Luce is a testament to the beauty of simplicity and...

    RING - Pendant Light


    Ring A Sculptural Pendant Light by Modo Luce A pendant light that merges geometric precision with soft, cloud-like elegance, Ring by Modo Luce is a striking addition to modern interiors....

    ROMEO - Pendant Light


    Romeo A Timelessly Elegant Pendant Light by Modo Luce A pendant light that captures the essence of warmth and sophistication, Romeo by Modo Luce is designed to embrace the gaze...

    PEGGY - Ceiling Light


    Peggy A Refined and Versatile Ceiling Light by Modo Luce A ceiling light that combines elegance with versatility, Peggy by Modo Luce is designed to illuminate spaces with a refined...

    REVERSE - Pendant Light


    Reverse A Timeless and Minimalist Pendant Light by Modo Luce A pendant light that embodies balance and elegance, Reverse by Modo Luce is a refined interpretation of classic lighting design....

    RETANGOLO - Pendant Light


    Rettangolo A Geometric Pendant Light by Modo Luce A pendant light defined by clean lines and structured form, Rettangolo by Modo Luce is a contemporary lighting solution that combines precision...

    RIGHELLO - Pendant Light


    Righello A Linear and Functional Pendant Light by Modo Luce A pendant light that embodies geometric precision and functional design, Righello by Modo Luce is a refined solution for both...

    OTTOVOLANTE 100 - Pendant Light


    Ottovolante A Playful and Elegant Pendant Light by Modo Luce A pendant light with flowing, meandering lines, Ottovolante by Modo Luce brings movement and dynamism to interiors while providing soft,...

    Farmhouse Stila Apgaismojums

    Mūsu kolekcijā ir apgaismes ķermeņi, kas piemēroti gan tradicionālajai, gan modernajai Farmhouse estētikai. Ja esat noskaņots uz klasisko Farmhouse izskatu, iepazīstieties ar mūsu piedāvāto gaismekļu klāstu ar senatnīgu dizainu, pazīstamiem rakstiem un piesātinātiem krāsu toņiem. Šie ķermeņi izstaro izteiktu lauku šarmu un cildina tradicionālo lauku māju meistarību, kas atgādina par tradicionālajām lauku mājām.

    Tiem, kurus piesaista modernās Farmhouse stila tīrās līnijas un neitrālie toņi, mēs piedāvājam apgaismojuma risinājumus, kas bez pūlēm apvieno lauku šarmu ar mūsdienīgu izjūtu. Šiem gaismekļiem ir glīts dizains, neitrālas krāsu gammas un mūsdienīga apdare, kas sasaucas ar skandināvu dizaina minimālisma valdzinājumu.

    Katrs mūsu Farmhouse stila apgaismojuma kolekcijas elements ir izgatavots ar rūpīgu uzmanību detaļām un nemainīgu apņemšanos nodrošināt kvalitāti. Atklājiet apgaismojuma risinājumu, kas ir ne tikai funkcionāls, bet arī mākslas darbs, kas rada siltuma un mājīga šarma sajūtu. Iegremdējieties mūsu Farmhouse stila apgaismojuma kolekcijas zemnieciskajā šarmā un izgaismojiet savu telpu ar Farmhouse elegances pieskārienu.

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