Market Set interjera apgaismojums Page 2 | Luminesy

Market Set

Market Set ir franču apgaismojuma zīmols, kas kopš 1970. gada atrodas Beglā, Žirondā.

Gan radošs, gan novatorisks tirgus komplekts piedāvā dekoratīvas un kvalitatīvas, greznas lampas. Jaunais un dinamiskais mākslinieciskais virziens veicina zīmola augstākās klases pozicionēšanu, kas atstāj nozīmīgu vietu dizainam un radīšanai.


MOKUZAI L - Piekaramā Lampa


Resolutely masculine, the new Mokuzai range from Market Set is a true ode to sophistication. The suspensions and table lamps, made by Market Set in France, are sober in appearance,...

MOKUZAI - Sienas Lampa


Resolutely masculine, the new Mokuzai range from MARKET SET® is a true ode to sophistication. The suspensions and table lamps, made by Market Set in France, are sober in appearance,...

RIVAGE 4L - Piekaramā Lampa


The Market Set Rivage 4L Pendant Light - A lamp inspired by the ocean The Market Set Rivage 4L Pendant Light is a suspension crafted from the result of an...

RIVAGE 4M - Piekaramā Lampa


Market Set Rivage 4M Pendant Light - A lamp inspired by the ocean The Market Set Rivage 4M Pendant Light is a suspension crafted from the result of an association...

MOKUZAI S - Piekaramā Lampa


Market Set Rivage S Pendant Light - A lamp inspired by the ocean The Market Set Rivage S Pendant Light is a suspension crafted from the result of an association...

RIVAGE M - Piekaramā Lampa


Market Set Rivage M Pendant Light - A lamp inspired by the ocean The Market Set Rivage M Pendant Light is a suspension crafted from the result of an association...

RIVAGE L - Piekaramā Lampa


The Rivage L Pendant Light from Market Set - A lamp inspired by the ocean The Rivage pendant light from the French company Market Set is a suspension crafted from...

SCREEN - Grīdas Lampa


The Screen floor lamp from Market Set brings a modern and classic charm to your home, whether illuminating the living room or bringing warmth to a bedroom. Market Set's Screen...

SELENITIS D78 - Piekaramā Lampa


Selenitis Pendant Light by Market Set – A Talisman of Light and Elegance The Selenitis Pendant Light by Market Set is a masterpiece of design that brings a serene ambiance...

COSINESS - Piekaramā Lampa


Cosiness Pendant Light by Market Set – A Warm Embrace of Seventies Style The Cosiness Pendant Light by Market Set brings a touch of nostalgic warmth to your living space,...

COSINESS - Stāvlampa


Cosiness Floor Lamp by Market Set – A Timeless Tribute to Seventies Comfort The Cosiness Floor Lamp by Market Set brings a nostalgic warmth to any room, capturing the essence...

SCREEN 70s XXL - Piekaramā Lampa

€810,00 €648,00

Market Set Screen 70's XXL - relive the graphic 1970's with this updated French lighting collection Discover the Screen 70's collection from the French lighting design house Market Set. This...

SONIA LAUDET D40 - Sienas Lampa

€220,00 €188,00

Market Set Sonia Laudet D40 Wall Light - A Talented partnership With the Market Set Sonia Laudet D40 Wall Light, the brand signs its first collaboration with Sonia Laudet, a...

SONIA LAUDET D60 - Sienas Lampa

€305,00 €244,00

Market Set Sonia Laudet D60 Wall Light - A talented partnership With the Market Set Sonia Laudet D60 Wall Light, the brand signs its first collaboration with Sonia Laudet, a...

SONIA LAUDET D60 - Piekaramā Lampa

€330,00 €247,00

Market Set Sonia Laudet D60 Pendant Light - A talented partnership With the Market Set Sonia Laudet D60 Pendant Light, the brand signs its first collaboration with Sonia Laudet, a...

Market Set

Trešā līnija ir vērsta uz Murano papīru, mīkstu, klusu un ļoti sievišķīgu materiālu. Labsajūtas atmosfēra. Jauna sadarbība ar franču uzņēmumu Cultur iN®, kas ir izcila franču lina materiāla Varian® radītājs, pastiprina Market Set iesaistīšanos vides jomā (PLA tehnika, pilnībā bioloģiski noārdāms materiāls). Rezultāts ir audums ar pārsteidzošām struktūras īpašībām. RIVAGE kolekcija ir saprātīga, gaisīga un neticami šika.

MARKET SET® ir paplašinājis savu SINGAPORE kolekciju ar āra priekšmetu Āzijas laternas formā. Skaisti vakari priekšā!<br>Franču zināšanas, Dizains, Vide, Smalkums, Gaismu spēles, Šeit un citur, Maigums, Labsajūta un liels entuziasms ir MARKET SET® atslēgas vārdi.

Tirgus komplekts, kas sakārtots ap divām vadlīnijām un diviem mākslinieciskiem universiem, no kuriem viens tiek izdomāts kā "vīrišķīgs" un otrs kā "sievišķīgs", attīsta un apstiprina gaisīgu un mūsdienīgu stilu. "Au masculin" piedāvā elegantu dizainu, kur radīšanas procesa centrā ir tādi cēli materiāli kā misiņš un marmors, kas izceļ dizainu. Market Set zīmola "Au féminin" puse ir veidota ap ģeometrisku formu un zaigojošu materiālu un pērļu atspulgu satikšanos.

Mūsdienās Market Set kolekcijās ienāk dabīgi materiāli, piemēram, spieķi un lins, kā arī metāls un citi rūpnieciskāki materiāli.

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