Parachilna reached out to the Spanish designer Jaime Hayon and asked to design a lamp that holds all the core values of Parachilna: Great materials, tradition, craftsmanship proficiency, and flawless...
Parachilna reached out to the Spanish designer Jaime Hayon and asked to design a lamp that holds all the core values of Parachilna: Great materials, tradition, craftsmanship proficiency, and flawless...
Parachilna reached out to the Spanish designer Jaime Hayon and asked to design a lamp that holds all the core values of Parachilna: Great materials, tradition, craftsmanship proficiency, and flawless...
Parachilna reached out to the Spanish designer Jaime Hayon and asked to design a lamp that holds all the core values of Parachilna: Great materials, tradition, craftsmanship proficiency, and flawless...
Parachilna reached out to the Spanish designer Jaime Hayon and asked to design a lamp that holds all the core values of Parachilna: Great materials, tradition, craftsmanship proficiency, and flawless...
Parachilna reached out to the Spanish designer Jaime Hayon and asked to design a lamp that holds all the core values of Parachilna: Great materials, tradition, craftsmanship proficiency, and flawless...
Parachilna reached out to the Spanish designer Jaime Hayon and asked to design a lamp that holds all the core values of Parachilna: Great materials, tradition, craftsmanship proficiency, and flawless...
Parachilna reached out to the Spanish designer Jaime Hayon and asked to design a lamp that holds all the core values of Parachilna: Great materials, tradition, craftsmanship proficiency, and flawless...
Parachilna reached out to the Spanish designer Jaime Hayon and asked to design a lamp that holds all the core values of Parachilna: Great materials, tradition, craftsmanship proficiency, and flawless...
Parachilna reached out to the Spanish designer Jaime Hayon and asked to design a lamp that holds all the core values of Parachilna: Great materials, tradition, craftsmanship proficiency, and flawless...
Parachilna reached out to the Spanish designer Jaime Hayon and asked to design a lamp that holds all the core values of Parachilna: Great materials, tradition, craftsmanship proficiency, and flawless...
Parachilna reached out to the Spanish designer Jaime Hayon and asked to design a lamp that holds all the core values of Parachilna: Great materials, tradition, craftsmanship proficiency, and flawless...
Lai gan Parachilna atrodas Barselonā, tās izcelsme patiesībā sniedzas līdz pat tās vārdabrālim - tuksneša spoku pilsētai Austrālijā. Nejaušs piestāšanās tur pirms vairākiem gadiem iedvesmoja Alfredo Valero un Romānu Rjeru izveidot luksusa apgaismojuma uzņēmumu, kas ir veltīts ilgstošai amatniecībai, izmantojot Eiropas metālkalēju, stikla pūtēju, keramiķu un citu prasmīgu amatnieku palīdzību. Sadarbojoties ar tādiem ievērojamiem mūsdienu dizaineriem kā Jaime Hayon un Neri & Hu, partneris Alfredo skaidro Parachilna mērķtiecīgo procesu. "Mēs neizmantojam rūpnieciskus paņēmienus," viņš saka. "Viss griežas ap amatniecību, un tas nozīmē, ka ir daudz darba, sākot no prototipa izgatavošanas līdz pat apdarei. Kad mēs sakām: "Mums tas nepatīk," mēs sākam visu no jauna."