To celebrate its 10th anniversary, Petite Friture initiates a new collaboration with the talented duo of female designers from Milan Studio Pepe. "We want to preserve the idea that light...
To celebrate its 10th anniversary, Petite Friture initiates a new collaboration with the talented duo of female designers from Milan Studio Pepe. "We want to preserve the idea that light...
To celebrate its 10th anniversary, Petite Friture initiates a new collaboration with the talented duo of female designers from Milan Studio Pepe. "We want to preserve the idea that light...
To celebrate its 10th anniversary, Petite Friture initiates a new collaboration with the talented duo of female designers from Milan Studio Pepe. "We want to preserve the idea that light...
To celebrate its 10th anniversary, Petite Friture initiates a new collaboration with the talented duo of female designers from Milan Studio Pepe. "We want to preserve the idea that light...
Petite Friture ir franču dizaina uzņēmums, ko 2009. gadā dibināja Amēlija du Pasāža. Zīmola mērķis ir veicināt jaunos talantus un kopā ar viņiem radīt priekšmetu, gaismu un mēbeļu kolekciju, kas rada "vibrāciju" un palīdz izbaudīt ikdienas dzīvi. Elegantajā un dzīvespriecīgajā kolekcijā iekļauti tādi radošie dizaineri kā Pjērs Favrēšs, Klāsons Koivisto Rune, Daniels Emma, Sems Barons un Andreass Engesviks. Jau desmit gadus Petite Friture meklē drosmīgus, inovatīvus un atšķirīgus priekšmetus, aptverot "citādības" jēdzienu. Katra jaunā kolekcija ir aicinājums doties ceļojumā uz sapņu zemi.