Bomma, kas dibināta 2012. gadā, nepārtraukti paaugstina tradicionālo Čehijas stikla ražošanas amatniecību jaunā un dinamiskā līmenī. Ar gadsimtiem ilgām stikla ražošanas tradīcijām Austrumbohēmijā, Bomma tagad ir ieguvusi bagātīgu talantu un augstākā līmeņa prasmju kopumu.
Bommas stikla meistarus atbalsta 300 entuziasma pilni komandas locekļi savā ultramodernajā ražotnē, kurā tiek izmantotas gan jaunākās tehnoloģijas, gan tradicionālās metodes. Šīs novatoriskās procedūras ir piemērotas citādi nesasniedzamām pielāgošanas un krāsu sajaukšanas metodēm.
Dažas no Bomma populārākajām kolekcijām ietver Dew Drops, Soap, Tim un citas.
Luminesy piedāvā visus Bomma apgaismojuma produktus – gadījumā, ja neatrodat to, ko meklējat, sazinieties ar mums!
Bomma Tim - Purity, clarity and mastery The inspiration for Bomma's Tim lighting collection was a collaboration with the world-renowned director Tim Burton, during one of his exhibitions. The Tim...
Bomma Soap Mini Pendant Light - The magical quality of iridescence This Bomma Soap Mini Pendant Light was inspired by the varied colors, transparency and continuously changing shapes – the...
Bomma Soap Mini 3 Chandelier - The magical quality of iridescence This Bomma Soap Mini 3 Chandelier was inspired by the varied colors, transparency and continuously changing shapes – the...
Bomma Soap Mini 6 Chandelier - The magical quality of iridescence This Bomma Soap Mini 6 Chandelier was inspired by the varied colors, transparency and continuously changing shapes – the...
Bomma Soap Mini 9 Chandelier - The magical quality of iridescence This Bomma Soap Mini 9 Chandelier was inspired by the varied colors, transparency and continuously changing shapes – the...
Bomma Soap 10 Square Chandelier - The magical quality of iridescence This Bomma Soap 10 Square Chandelier was inspired by the varied colors, transparency and continuously changing shapes – the...
Bomma Soap Mini 12 Chandelier - The magical quality of iridescence This Bomma Soap Mini 12 Chandelier was inspired by the varied colors, transparency and continuously changing shapes – the...
Bomma Soap Mini 26 Chandelier - The magical quality of iridescence This Bomma Soap Mini 26 Chandelier was inspired by the varied colors, transparency and continuously changing shapes – the...
Bomma Soap Mini 26 Square Chandelier - The magical quality of iridescence This Bomma Soap Mini 26 Square Chandelier was inspired by the varied colors, transparency and continuously changing shapes...
Bomma Pyrite - The fiery stone from the core of the Earth The sculptural structures of minerals and their perfectly smooth surfaces are among the most precious treasures from the...
Bomma Pyrite - The fiery stone from the core of the Earth The sculptural structures of minerals and their perfectly smooth surfaces are among the most precious treasures from the...
Bomma Pyrite - The fiery stone from the core of the Earth The sculptural structures of minerals and their perfectly smooth surfaces are among the most precious treasures from the...
Bomma Pyrite - The fiery stone from the core of the Earth The sculptural structures of minerals and their perfectly smooth surfaces are among the most precious treasures from the...
Bomma Pyrite - The fiery stone from the core of the Earth The sculptural structures of minerals and their perfectly smooth surfaces are among the most precious treasures from the...
Bomma Pyrite - The fiery stone from the core of the Earth The sculptural structures of minerals and their perfectly smooth surfaces are among the most precious treasures from the...
Bomma Pyrite - The fiery stone from the core of the Earth The sculptural structures of minerals and their perfectly smooth surfaces are among the most precious treasures from the...
Bomma Phenomena Large Ball Floor Lamp - Transient images of the eternal The name of ''Phenomena'' for this Bomma Phenomena Large Ball Floor Lamp, was inspired by basic geometric shapes,...
Bomma Phenomena Capsule Floor Lamp - Transient images of the eternal The name of ''Phenomena'' for this Bomma Phenomena Capsule Floor Lamp, was inspired by basic geometric shapes, comes from...
Bomma Phenomena Capsule Pendant Light - Transient images of the eternal The name of ''Phenomena'' for this Bomma Phenomena Capsule Pendant Light, was inspired by basic geometric shapes, comes from...
Bomma Phenomena Large Ball Pendant Light - Transient images of the eternal The name of ''Phenomena'' for this Bomma Phenomena Large Ball Pendant Light, was inspired by basic geometric shapes,...
Bomma Phenomena Small Ball Pendant Light - Transient images of the eternal The name of ''Phenomena'' for this Bomma Phenomena Small Ball Pendant Light, was inspired by basic geometric shapes,...
Bomma Phenomena Cone Pendant Light - Transient images of the eternal The name of ''Phenomena'' for this Bomma Phenomena Cone Pendant Light, was inspired by basic geometric shapes, comes from...
Bomma Orbital - Bravely crossing galactic paths Bomma’s Orbital traces paths of multicolored celestial bodies that glow with hypnotically cores. This ingenious design of mouth-blown glass lenses, held together by...
Bomma Orbital - Bravely crossing galactic paths Bomma’s Orbital traces paths of multicolored celestial bodies that glow with hypnotically cores. This ingenious design of mouth-blown glass lenses, held together by...
Bomma Orbital - Bravely crossing galactic paths Bomma’s Orbital traces paths of multicolored celestial bodies that glow with hypnotically cores. This ingenious design of mouth-blown glass lenses, held together by...
Bomma Orbital - Bravely crossing galactic paths Bomma’s Orbital traces paths of multicolored celestial bodies that glow with hypnotically cores. This ingenious design of mouth-blown glass lenses, held together by...
The Blimp table light by Bomma - the cloud lamp The Blimp small is a stunning glass table lamp that resembles a massive crystal cloud floating in space with the...
The Blimp medium by Bomma - the cloud lamp The Blimp medium is a stunning glass table lamp that resembles a massive crystal cloud floating in space with the lightness...
The Blimp small by Bomma - the cloud lamp The Blimp is a stunning glass pendant that resembles a massive crystal cloud floating in space with the lightness of a...
The Blimp medium by Bomma - the cloud lamp The Blimp is a stunning glass pendant that resembles a massive crystal cloud floating in space with the lightness of a...
The Blimp large by Bomma - the cloud lamp The Blimp is a stunning glass pendant that resembles a massive crystal cloud floating in space with the lightness of a...
Bomma Metamorphosis small - The transformation of crystal into a stunning lighted jewel Bomma's Metamorphosis is a transformation from one form into another. Metamorphosis as the transformation of crystal into...
Bomma Metamorphosis - The transformation of crystal into a stunning lighted jewel Bomma's Metamorphosis is a transformation from one form into another. Metamorphosis as the transformation of crystal into a...
Bomma Metamorphosis cluster - The transformation of crystal into a stunning lighted jewel Bomma's Metamorphosis is a transformation from one form into another. Metamorphosis as the transformation of crystal into...
Bomma Metamorphosis cluster - The transformation of crystal into a stunning lighted jewel Bomma's Metamorphosis is a transformation from one form into another. Metamorphosis as the transformation of crystal into...
Bomma Metamorphosis cluster - The transformation of crystal into a stunning lighted jewel Bomma's Metamorphosis is a transformation from one form into another. Metamorphosis as the transformation of crystal into...
Bomma Metamorphosis cluster - The transformation of crystal into a stunning lighted jewel Bomma's Metamorphosis is a transformation from one form into another. Metamorphosis as the transformation of crystal into...
Bomma Metamorphosis cluster - The transformation of crystal into a stunning lighted jewel Bomma's Metamorphosis is a transformation from one form into another. Metamorphosis as the transformation of crystal into...
Bomma Metamorphosis cluster - The transformation of crystal into a stunning lighted jewel Bomma's Metamorphosis is a transformation from one form into another. Metamorphosis as the transformation of crystal into...
Bomma Lens - perfect optics of pure crystal Light refracted through a lens is a fundamental principle of optics. Here, two lenses harmoniously encapsulate their interior source, playing a monumental...
The brand has raised the traditional Bohemian craft of glass-blowing the a whole new level. The Glassmakers are the cream of the crop from the Czech Republic with exceptional talent, vast experience, and ability to hand-blow crystal in monumental sizes. Every piece of Bomma crystal lighting is handcrafted, pushing the limits of what is considered physically and technically feasible.
As a forward-thinking brand, Bomma invests heavily in cutting-edge technology to create glass design products that blend science, technology, and craftsmanship. Their glassmaking facilities are among the most technologically advanced in the world and they continue to produce unique crystal pieces for international luxury brands. In addition, the company works with selected partners to provide them with special pieces that cannot be produced at their own glassworks.